ID: 21388965

中职英语 语文版 基础模下册Unit 12 Dedicated People:Warming Up(课件)(27张)

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:42次 大小:4450685B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 12 Dedicated People Dedicated People Key Words decide nurse decision try sleep report suffering appoint hire female lamp patient military dedicated respect receive continue advice award Useful Expressions to be determined to do on behalf of care for in addition to to be looked down upon Aims Language Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing 听一段介绍人物的短文,完成填空练习 能运用表示人物性格特征的词语介绍某人 careful polite smart warm-hearted humorous intelligent clever friendly careless impolite cold-hearted slow-minded funny quiet/shy unfriendly 阅读是对弗劳伦斯 南丁格尔的生平简介及她对护理事业的贡献,在课文理解的基础上,掌握重要词汇和语句的用法 根据所提供的信息写一张工作或生活当中的便条 Grammar Focus The Use of “It” It 的用法 1. 用作代词 2. 用作形式主语 3. 用作形式宾语 4. 用作强调结构 Procedures . Dedicated People Warming Up International Nurses Day Florence Nightingale 1. How much do you know about nursing 2. Have you ever heard of the story of “The Lady with the Lamp” Story of Florence Nightingale Reading Florence Nightingale Fast Reading Read the text quickly and then answer the following questions 1.Where did her family live when Florence was born 2. What kind of education did Nightingale and her sister receive Key: They live in Italy. Key: Florence and her sister were educated by their father and private teacher. 3. What kind of a student was Florence Key: She excelled in her studies. 4. How did Florence upset her family Key: She decided to become a nurse. 5.Why didn’t Florence’s family want her to be a nurse Key: Because at that time nurses in England were looked down upon by people. 6. Why did Nightingale go to Turkey Reports of the sufferings of the wounded in the front created anger in Britain. In response, the government appointed Florence Nightingale to hire female nurses to work in the military hospitals in the front. 7. What did Florence do besides her nursing work at the front 8. Why was she called “The Lady with the Lamp” Key: Florence wrote home on behalf of the soldiers. She acted as a banker, sending the men’s wages home to their families, and set up reading-rooms in the hospital. Key: At night, Nightingale took a lamp and walked around the hospital attending the patients. 9.What did Nightingale do after she returned to England 10. What made Florence Nightingale so famous Key: Florence set up a nursing school to train professional nurses and continued to offer her advice on hospital reform. Key: Nightingale is best known as the founder of the modern profession of nursing and as a hospital reformer. 1. Florence Nightingale was born in Italy on 12 May 1820 and was named Florence after her birthplace. 弗劳伦斯 南丁格尔于1820年5月12日生于意大利,并以她的出生地———弗劳伦萨作为她的名字 to name…after… 以……给……命名 Reading Analysis 2. This decision greatly upset her family, because at that time nurses in England were looked down upon by people. ... ...

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