ID: 21389109

中职英语 语文版(2021) 职业模块(服务类)Unit 5 Emergency Treatment(Section II Intensive Activeties (课件)(23张)

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:28次 大小:9202036B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 —(1) Emergency Treatment Put safety first and place emphasis on prevention. flood disaster 洪涝灾害 snowstorm 暴雪 earthquake 地震 sandstorm 沙尘暴 fire accident 火灾事故 elevator accident 电梯事故 flood disaster 洪涝灾害 earthquake 地震 sandstorm 沙尘暴 fire accident 火灾事故 elevator accident 电梯事故 snowstorm 暴雪 Read and Learn Section II Intensive ActivetiesPart B : Speaking How to Handle Guest Complaints 如何处理客人投诉 Disccuss PART 01 How Do You Look on the Guest Complaints 怎么看待客人的投诉? Negative Attitude: 消极的态度: Complaints Are Misfortune! 投诉是———厄运! Positive Attitude: 积极的态度: Complaints Are Opportunities! 投诉是———机会! Why Guests Complain 客人为什么会投诉? Subjective Reasons: 主观方面的原因: 1 Not respecting guest 不尊重客人 2 Not responsible for the job 工作不负责任 Objective Reasons: 客观方面的原因: When guests subjectively think that they suffer the troubles caused by staff’s misconduct on their job. 客人的投诉,是指 客人主观上 认为由于 我们工作上的差错 而引起的麻烦和烦恼,或者损害了他们的利益等情况。 Think and disccuss Talking Down 压制客人 Being Defensive – Taking Guest Complaints Personally 把客人的抱怨看成是个人问题 Blaming Another Employee or Department 责怪其他部门的同事 Blaming Guest and Arguing Back 责怪客人甚至与他们争执 Negative Reactions towards handling guest complaints (对待客人投诉的几种不正确的态度) The Steps for Handling Guest Complaints 处理客人投诉的步骤 ANY QUESTIONS 还有问题吗 Part B: Replying to a complaint( 应对投诉) 1. How can I help you? 您有什么事吗? 2. I'm very unsatisfied with your service. 我对你们的服务不满意。 3. Could you tell me the problem, please 请您告诉我投诉的问题? 4. May I have your name and your phone number please 可以告诉我您的姓名和电话吗? 5. We’ll deliver it immediately. Will someone be at home this afternoon 立马送货。今天下午家里有人吗? 6. We apologise again for the late delivery. 我们为发货晚了表示歉意。 Read and discuss the main sentences about the dialouge. Read the dialogue and act it out in pairs. Clerk: Good afternoon, reception. How can I help you? Customer: I'm very unsatisfied with your service. Clerk: Could you tell me the problem, please Customer: The washing machine I bought several days ago has not been delivered to me yet. Clerk: We're terribly sorry about this. May I have your name and your phone number please Customer: My name is David. My number is 1345676358. Clerk: I'm very sorry. We’ll deliver it immediately. Will someone be at home this afternoon Customer: Yes, I'm at home all day. Clerk: OK. We apologise again for the late delivery. Customer: No problem. Pair work Clerk: Good afternoon, reception. How can I help you? Customer: I'm very unsatisfied with your service. Clerk: Could you tell me the problem, please Customer: The washing machine I bought several days ago has not been delivered to me yet. Clerk: We're terribly sorry about this. May I hav ... ...

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