
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?单元测试(含解析)九年级英语全一册(人教版)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:90次 大小:289428Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 单元测试 评卷人得分 一、单项选择 1.In a conversation between two persons, 65% of _____ is done through body language. A.information B.pronunciation C.introduction D.communication 2.—_____ do you improve your English —I improve it _____ speaking it with others more often. A.How; with B.What; with C.How; by D.What; by 3._____ exciting race it was! Many people watched it. A.What a B.What an C.How D.How a 4.You can _____ in the dictionary to get the meaning of the new word. A.look for B.look up C.look at D.look out 5.﹣Hello, Lucy, please give me some _____ on how to improve my English! ﹣You'd better keep _____ more English books. A.advices;read B.advice;read C.advice;reading D.advices;reading 6.What’s your new _____ I want to send postcards to you during my traveling in Yunnan. A.expression B.secret C.address D.direction 7.—Could you tell me why you learn English so well —It's very simple. _____ you study, _____ grades you will get. A.The harder; better B.The harder; the better C.Harder; better D.Harder; the better 8.—Can you give me some advice on how to _____ my reading speed —You can try to read word groups instead of word by word. A.keep B.consider C.increase D.control 9.Mark’s mother is strict with him, so he is afraid _____ her what has happened to him. A.of telling B.to telling C.of showing D.to showing 10.The music is too _____, so I have to speak _____ . A.loud; loud B.aloud; loud C.loudly; loudly D.loud; aloud 11.We find_____impossible for us_____a foreign language well in a short time. A.one ;learn B.it ;to learn C.that ;to learn D.this ;learning 12.It’s important people learn team spirit. A.of; of B.of; to C.for; to D.to; to 13.Tea leaves are _____ in the south of China. And people there enjoy drinking tea. A.invented B.produced C.heated D.washed 14.Although the old tree in the yard _____ for many years, I still miss the days when I grew up with it. A.is dead B.has died C.has been dead D.dies 15.—Would you please _____ what you said —Sure. I asked you to have a rest. It’s too hot today. A.show B.spell C.review D.repeat 评卷人得分 二、补全对话7选5 根据对话内容,从A-G七个选项中选出五个能补全对话的最佳选项(有两项多余)。 Li Hua: Hello, Mr. Xu! Mr. Xu: Hi, Li Hua. Where have you been Li Hua: 16 Mr. Xu: Really That’s great! Did you talk with Mark and Judy Li Hua: Yes, but only a few words. And I am not sure if they understood me. Mr. Xu: No problem. 17 Li Hua: But I am afraid of making mistakes when I speak. Mr. Xu: 18 You should believe in yourself. Li Hua: But do you think they like to talk with us beginners Mr. Xu: 19 Li Hua: But I am still very nervous. You know my pronunciation is poor. Mr. Xu: That’s a bad excuse. Try to talk with them as much as you can. Li Hua: All right. 20 A.Thanks a lot, Mr. Xu. B.Yes, unless they are busy. C.You have made a good start. D.No, I’m not. E.Can I help you F.I have just come back from English ... ...

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