ID: 21428646

Unit 5 Humans and nature Writing Workshop——宣传手册 课件(共14张PPT)+学案(含答案)

日期:2024-11-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:90次 大小:7456591B 来源:二一课件通
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    Period Ⅴ Writing Workshop———宣传手册 本单元的写作任务是写灾难求生手册。灾难求生手册是宣传手册的一种。宣传手册是为了某一特定需要,通过一定形式向公众传递信息的手段,是说明文的一种。 一、亮点词汇 1.natural disasters 自然灾害;天灾 2.drought n. 干旱 3.hurricane n. 飓风 4.sandstorm n. 沙尘暴 5.tsunami n. 海啸 6.damage n.& vt. 毁坏;破坏 7.destroy vt. 摧毁;破坏 8.come to one’s rescue 前来救某人 trapped in ruins 被困在废墟中 10.rebuild one’s home 重建某人的家园 二、高级句式 1.The earthquake caused structural damage to most of the buildings in the town. 这次地震给城镇的大部分建筑造成了结构性的破坏。 2.A severe earthquake destroyed almost everything, leaving badly damaged buildings. 一场强烈的地震几乎毁了一切,留下了严重受损的建筑物。 3.The country has provided food and clothes for the homeless people in the disaster-stricken areas. 这个国家已经为灾区无家可归的人们提供了食品和衣物。 4.The strong tsunami has caused more than 4,000 deaths and 8,000 people missing. 强烈的海啸已造成4 000多人死亡,8 000多人失踪。 5.After the earthquake, the government provided tents and food for the people in the disaster-hit areas. 地震过后,政府向灾区人民提供帐篷和食物。 台风是沿海地区常见的自然灾害,你一定在电视上目睹过台风袭来及人们救灾的场景。请你写一篇宣传短文,介绍一下这一情况。 要点提示: 1.台风情况;2.灾后救援情况;3.灾害预防。 参考词汇:typhoon 台风 affect影响 第一步 审题谋篇 体裁 说明文 人称 以第三人称为主 时态 以一般现在时为主 框架 第一段:总体介绍    第二段:灾害情况    第三段:重建工作及预防 第二步 要点翻译 1.台风是经常袭击中国东南部地区的可怕自然灾害。 Typhoon is a terrible natural disaster that often strikes southeastern parts of China. 2.台风登陆时,会带来强风和暴雨。 When the typhoon lands,there will be strong winds along with heavy rain. 3.许多大树被刮倒,很多房屋、街道被淹没,交通受到严重影响。 Many tall trees are blown down and a lot of houses and streets will be flooded by water,which makes the traffic affected seriously. 4.尽管台风带来了巨大损失,当地政府和居民开始重建家园。 In spite of the heavy loss which is caused by the typhoon, local government and residents begin to rebuild their homes. 5.我们应该对台风给予足够的重视,尽量减少台风造成的损失。 We should pay enough attention to typhoons and try to reduce the loss caused by them. 第三步 词句升级 1.用动词-ing 短语作状语升级要点3 Many tall trees are blown down and a lot of houses and streets will be flooded by water,making the traffic affected seriously. 2.用过去分词短语作定语升级要点4 In spite of the heavy loss caused by the typhoon, local government and residents begin to rebuild their homes. 第四步 连句成篇 Survival after the typhoon Typhoon is a terrible natural disaster that often strikes southeastern parts of China .It has been threatening human beings of all time. When the typhoon lands, there will be strong winds along with heavy rain.At the same time, many tall trees are blown down and a lot of houses and streets will be flooded by water, making the traffic affecte ... ...

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