ID: 21431454


日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:43次 大小:12659309B 来源:二一课件通
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    温州市瓯海区 一、听句子,选择正确的选项(句子读两次)。 1.Mr Li is our maths teacher.He is old and strict. 2.I have PE,music,science and English on Thursday. 3.I often read books on the weekend.B) 4.I love ice cream.It's sweet. 5.There are many tall buildings in front of the mountains. 6.I often wash my clothes on the weekend.(G) 7.We can swim.(B) 8.There is a photo and a bottle on the table. 9.I'd like a sandwich.It's delicious. 10.He can play basketball. 二、听小对话,选择正确的选项(对话读两次)。 11.M:Do you know Ms Li W:Yes.She is our Chinese teacher. 12.M:Miss Sue will be our new English teacher.What's she like W:She is young and friendly. 13.W:What would you like to eat,John M:Some beef noodles,please. 14.M:What's your favourite food,Amy W:Candies!They're sweet! 15.M:What do you have on Tuesdays,Chen Jie W:I have Chinese,maths and science. 16.M:We'll have an English party next Tuesday.What can you do for the party,Sarah W:I can sing English songs. 17.W:What do you often do on the weekend,John M:I often play basketball. 18.W:Look at the photo on the wall.M:Oh,it's very nice! 19.W:Is there a forest behind the lake M:Yes,there is. 20.M:Are there any houses in the village W:Yes,there are.And there is a building in the village. 三、听长对话,选择正确的选项(听完第一段对话,完成第21-22题:听完第二段对话,完成第 23-25题;对话读两次)。 听完第一段对话,完成第21-22题。 W:Good morning,Sam.What would you like to eat for breakfast M:I'd like a chicken sandwich. W:OK.What would you like to drink M:Some milk,please. W:Here you are.温州市瓯海区2023-2024学年第一学期 五年级期末学业品质调研 英 语 试 题 2024.01 听力部分 (30分) 一、听句子,选择正确的选项 (句子读两次)。(10%) 二、听小对话,选择正确的选项 (对话读两次)。(10%) ( )11. Who is the Chinese teacher A. Mr Li. B. Mrs Li. C. Ms Li. ( )12. What’s Miss Sue like A. Young and funny. B. Young and friendly. C. Young and pretty. ( )13. What would John like to eat A. A beef sandwich. B. A beef hamburger. C. Beef noodles. ( )14. How does Amy like candies A. Yummy. B. Sweet. C. Delicious. ( )15. What does Chen Jie have on Tuesdays A. Chinese, maths and science. B. Chinese, English and maths. C. Maths, English and art. ( )16. What can Sarah do for the party A. Sing Chinese songs. B. Sing English songs. C. Speak English. ( )17. What does John often do on the weekend A. Watch TV. B. Play football. C. Play basketball. ( )18. Where is the photo A. On the wall. B. On the door. C. On the floor. ( )19. Where is the forest A. Beside the lake. B. Behind the lake. C. Between the lakes. ( )20. What’s in the village A. A house and buildings. B. A building and houses. C. Buildings and houses. 三、听长对话,选择正确的选项(听完第一段对话,完成第21-22题;听完第二段对话,完成第23-25题;对话读两次)。(10%) ( )21. What are the children talking about A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. C. Dinner. ( )22. What would Sam like A. Salad and milk. B. A chicken sandwich and juice. C. A chicken sandwich and milk. ( )23. When is P ... ...

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