ID: 21431461

浙江省宁波市鄞州区2023-2024学年 小学六年级上册英语期末检测试卷(含答案,含听力原文,含听力音频)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:10次 大小:9522085B 来源:二一课件通
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    宁波市鄞州区 一、听音,选择你所听到的内容或图片。 1.BDS 2.ship 3.pilot 5.Come and have a look. 6.Go straight,please.7.Stop and wait at a red light. 8.My mother is a factory worker.9.I like listening to music. 10.She feels happy today. 二、听音,根据图片判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 11.Don't touch the door.12.My aunt is a taxi driver. 13.I'm going to buy a word book. 14.The museum is next to the park. 15.Tom studies Chinese and does word puzzles every day. 三、听音,选择正确的答句。 16.How do you come to school 17.When are you going to the supermarket 18.Is your father a police officer 19.What is your hobby 20.Mum,I feel ill.What should I do 四、听音,选择正确的选项。 听第一节长对话,回答21-22两个小题 M:Hi,Amy.What are you going to do this afternoon W:Hi,Mike.I'm going to see a film. M:Why not go with me this evening It's half price then. W:Really Great!I'm going to clean my room this afternoon then. M:OK.See you. 听第二节长对话,回答23-25三个小题。 M:Sarah,what's wrong with you W:I'm worried because I lost my water bottle. M:Don't be worried!Let's go to the supermarket to buy a new one. W:Hooray!What's the weather like outside M:It's windy and cold.You should wear warm clothes. W:All right.How do we get to the supermarket M:By bus.宁波市鄞州区2023-2024学年第一学期 六年级英语期末试卷 Listening Part 听力部分(40%) 一、听音,选择你所听到的内容或图片。(10%) ( )1. A. BDS B. GPS C. WPS ( )2. A. sheep B. ship C. should ( )3. A. plant B. plane C. pilot ( )4. A. far B. fast C. near ( )5. A. Come and have a look. B. Come and have a look. C. Come and have a look. 二、听音,根据图片判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(5%) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听音,选择正确的答句。(5%) ( )16. A. I often go on foot. B. I often come by bus. ( )17. A. I’m going to the supermarket. B. I’m going tonight. ( )18. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesn’t. ( )19. A. I like singing. B. She likes singing. ( )20. A. You should see a doctor. B. You should count to ten. 四、听音,选择正确的选项。(10%) 听第一节长对话,回答21-22两个小题。 ( )21. What is Amy going to do this afternoon at last A. See a film. B. Clean her room. C. Read a book. ( )22. What is Mike going to do this evening A. See a film. B. Clean his room. C. Read a book. 听第二节长对话,回答23-25三个小题。 ( )23. How does Sarah feel at first A. Happy. B. Angry. C. Worried. ( )24. What’s the weather like outside A. Windy and cool. B. Sunny and cold. C. Windy and cold. ( )25. How will they go to the supermarket A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bus. 五、听录音,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10%) ( )26. Lily lives in Australia. ( )27. Lily wants to be a baseball coach. ( )28. Lily’s father goes to work by car. ( )29. Lily’s mother is a secretary at a university. ( )30. In Australia, people must drive on the left side. Writing Part 笔试部分(60%) 六、找出不同类或画线部分发音不同的选项。(5%) ( )31. A. Munich B. Sydney C. Germany D. Canberra ( )32. A. by sled B. on foot C. by ferry D. ... ...

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