ID: 21431469


日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:13次 大小:11533765B 来源:二一课件通
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    温州市瑞安市2023-2024学年第一学期小学 六年级英语期末检测试卷 听力部分(30%) 一、 听句子,选择正确的选项(句子读两次)。10% 二、听小对话,选择正确的选项(对话读两次)。10% ( )11. The post office is_____ the film museum. A. next to B. behind C. in front of ( )12. Emily looks_____. A. happy B. sad C. angry ( )13. They are going to_____ restaurant. A. an Italian B. an American C. a Chinese ( )14. Lily’s mother works_____. A. in a gym B. in a university C. in an office ( )15. Susan’s cousin will visit her_____. A. next Tuesday B. next Thursday C. next Friday ( )16. Bruce usually_____ on the weekend. A. goes fishing B. goes hiking C. goes shopping ( )17. The man can take the_____ bus to the hospital. A. No. 1 B. No. 6 C. No. 16 ( )18. Peter wants to be a_____. A. basketball player B. basketball coach C. football coach ( )19. Linda will_____ this afternoon. A. go to the supermarket B. have a school trip C. go to the cinema ( )20. Tony likes_____. A. playing games B. playing music C. playing sports 三、听长对话,选择正确的选项。10% 听第一段对话,完成第21-22题,对话读两次。 ( )21. —How does Mary come to school today —_____. A. On foot B. By bike C. By car ( )22. —What does Mary’s mother do —She is a_____. A. nurse B. doctor C. reporter 听第二段对话,完成第23-25题,对话读两次。 ( )23. —What is Jack going to do this Saturday —He is going to_____. A. see a film B. climb mountains C. visit his grandparents ( )24. —Whose birthday is coming —Jack’s _____ birthday. A. father’s B. grandma’s C. grandpa’s ( )25. —What will Jack buy —_____. A. A birthday card B. A birthday cake C. A red scarf 笔试部分(70%) 四、语音辨析。根据发音规则,将正确的选项填在横线上。5% A. kite B. shorts C. farmer D. plane E. hat 26. Look at that nice_____. It’s half price. 27. There is a rabbit in the man’s_____. 28. The_____ works hard on his farm. 29. Sherry is wearing a T-shirt and_____. 30. Tom plays with a_____ on the playground. 五、词汇考查。12% A. 理解单词或短语意思,选出与它们同类的一项。 A. goes B. train C. fishermanD. swimming E. tomorrow F. cinema shiptaxi31._____ driverworker32. _____ hasdoes33. _____ tonightnext week34. _____ playingjumping35. _____ zoolibrary36._____ B. 读句子,根据图片情境选择正确的选项。 ( )37. Don’t_____. A. turn left B. go straight C. turn right ( )38. Leo likes_____. A. singing B. running C. reading ( )39. Look! The _____ is over there. A. post office B. bookstore C. shoe shop ( )40. I’m going to buy a _____. A. picture book B. dictionary C. postcard ( )41. My aunt is a _____. A. head teacher B. scientist C. police officer ( )42. Jill does _____ every day. A. word puzzles B. exercise C. sports 六、语言知识运用。读对话,选择正确的选项。8% ( )43. —Honey, what would you like for breakfast —I’d like_____ sandwich and some milk. A. a B. an C. the ( )44. —Mum, I want to join the _____ club. —Sure! You are good at drawing. A. music B. maths C. art ( )45. —My friend David _____ every day. —Wow, he is really hard-working. A. study B. ... ...

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