ID: 21435243

人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language Video Time课件(共27张,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-10-19 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:97次 大小:64052674B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Body Language Video Time In this class, you will observe the characters’ body language and expressions to analyze their emotions and attitudes; compare the dubbed film and the silent film; create a proper ending for the film. Learning objectives Look at the picture and read the introduction to The Immigrant, and say a few words about Charlie Chaplin and his film. Warm up The Immigrant In the film The Immigrant, Charlie Chaplin acts as an immigrant who is unused to life in a different country. Charlie Chaplin What does this name remind you of actor; a master of nonverbal humour; silent movie; The Gold Rush; City Lights; Modern Times; The Kid… Warm up What do you think an immigrant is a person who has come to a country that is not their own in order to live there permanently(永久地) Warm up Look at the photos from the film The Immigrant and think about the questions. Before you watch What do you think these characters’ body language and expressions mean What do you think the story of this film is The captain of the ship has his body sideways while looking straight ahead, with his left arm stretched out and leaning(倚靠) on a railing(栏杆). His eyes seem to be suspicious(怀疑的) of someone or something. He is looking at the person or situation with full concentration. What do you think these characters’ body language and expressions mean Before you watch The main character played by Charlie Chaplin has his hands to his side and has his jacket at the shoulder held by the captain of the ship. He looks as if he has been caught doing wrong and has stiff(僵硬的) body language to show how helpless he is. It seems that he is looking at the woman for help. Before you watch The captain is using his other hand to point downward at the woman. He seems to be suggesting something is wrong, and that perhaps Chaplin has done something to the woman such as stolen her purse. The woman is looking towards the captain with her fingers interlocked(交叉的) and a wide-eyed expression. It seems like she is trying to appear innocent(清白的). Before you watch Chaplin and the woman are looking at each other with a big smile. Chaplin has his hands behind his back showing he is calm and relaxed. The woman has her head to the side and hands up pointing towards him. I think they are friendly towards each other and feel happy. Before you watch The waiter is looking at Chaplin with an annoyed facial expression. He is standing up and looking down at him, with his thumb up. I think he is telling Chaplin to leave the restaurant, and has the authority(职权) to do so. Chaplin is sitting down, and looking up at him with wide eyes and a closed mouth. It seems to show he is helpless. The man beside Chaplin is hungrily looking down at his spoon with the soup he is about to eat. Before you watch The woman is sitting down with her hand up to the side of her face, and resting her cheek on it. She looks worried or conce ... ...

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