ID: 21498541

单元提升卷05 选必一Unit 5 Working the Land(含答案与解析)2025年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:17次 大小:114960B 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 单元提升卷05 Unit 5 Working the Land 单元基础知识巩固 Ⅰ. 核心单词 1. _____   n. 不足; 缺少; 短缺 2. _____ vt. 解决(难题); 应付(局面); 处理 3. _____ n. 现实; 实际情况; 事实 4. _____ vt. 使相信; 使确信; 说服 5. _____ n. 假定; 设定; (责任的)承担; (权利的)获得 6. _____ vt. (通常经过努力)获得; 得到 7. _____ vt. 克服; 解决; 战胜 8. _____ adj. 热切的; 十分强烈的; 激烈的 9. _____ vt. 产生; 引起 10. _____ adj. 完全必要的; 极其重要的 Ⅱ. 拓展单词 1. devote vt. 把……献(给); 把……专用于; 专心于→_____ adj. 专心的→_____ n. 献身, 热爱 2. deep adj. 深的→_____ n. 向下(或向里)的距离; 深(度) 3. expand v. 扩大; 发展→_____ n. 扩大, 发展 4. convention n. 惯例; 常规; 习俗→_____ adj. 习惯的, 传统的 5. character n. 个性; 品质; 字符; 人物→_____ n. 特征; 特点; 品质adj. 典型的; 独特的 6. estimate vt. 估计→_____ n. 估算; 估价 7. consume v. 消费→_____ n. 消费→_____ n. 消费者 8. nutrition n. 营养; 滋养→_____ adj. 有营养的→_____ adj. 营养(物)的 9. digest v. 消化→_____ n. 消化; 领悟 10. entire adj. 整个的; 完全的; 全部的→_____ adv. 完全地; 全然地; 整个地 III.核心短语 1. _____   把……用于; 献身; 致力; 专心 2. _____ 包括; 由……组成(或构成) 3. _____ 在内心深处; 本质上; 实际上 4. _____ 相应地; 转而; 依次; 轮流 5. _____ 例如; 比如 6. _____ 转向 7. _____ 使……免受(影响、伤害等) 8. _____ 扩大成/发展成为…… 9. _____通过不懈的努力 10. _____ 几乎相反, 远非; 远离 一、单句语法填空 1. (essential), we are talking about the world war period. 2.The company, New England Electric, burns coal (generate) power. 3.It is unwise to (estimate) your opponent’s strength and intelligence. 4.The waste water from the nearby factory has to be (chemical) treated. 5.People tend to have a preference for (organic) grown vegetables. 6.Agriculture could become the growth engine for hunger reduction and poverty (alleviate). 7.Some differences between Chinese and foreign social media (root) in culture and language. 8.Children with poor nutrition are supposed to eat food rich in vitamins and (mineral). 9.There is a great demand for volunteers in Africa because many people live in (poor). 10.So far, a survey of the British diet (reveal) that a growing number of people are overweight. 11.We’re looking for a headmaster, one who will devote himself (entire) to the cause of education. 12.All her time devoted to (do) experiments, she has no time for entertainment. 13.The path extended into the (deep) of the forest. 14.If you are in need of an (extend) of the deadline, simply explain the situation to the professor. 15.In (real), many women are forced to make a choice between family and career. 16.People only become true (celebrity) when they maintain a high profile both in their professional and private lives. 17.Although the fuel (consume) is greater in the northern hemisphere, temperatures there seem to be falling. 18.Even though our earth is rich in water resource, there is still a (short) of water in many places because ocean water can’t be used ... ...

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