ID: 21438342

2025年高中英语一轮教材特训选择性必修第一册 UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE(含解析)

日期:2024-10-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:15次 大小:83646B 来源:二一课件通
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选择性必修 第一册 UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE 15分钟基础练 一、单句语法填空 1._____ of after class activities will be held in our school, _____ from the English Corner to the Literature Club. So we students can get _____ experiences. (vary) 2.The _____ of the company is _____ in training his _____. (employ) 3._____ students _____ from each other in many aspects. But everyone can make a _____ to the school. (differ) 4.I am _____ with my _____, which _____ most of my time every day. (occupy) 5.I feel _____ of my _____ action, which is a _____ to me. (shame) 6.The _____ farmer can easily _____ weeds from wanted plants. (distinguish) 7.My brother suffering from _____ is becoming more and more _____. (anxiety) 8.Much to my _____,he asked me an _____ question. I felt so _____ that my face was red. (embarrass) 9.As _____ often say, the _____ can likely hunt for a better job and teenagers should receive further _____ for their future. (educate) 10.What _____ me was that my son had stolen a watch in a shop and I warned him _____ not to do that again. (anger) 二、短语填空 break down, straighten up, call on, by comparison 1.China _____the people of all countries to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind. 2.The poor young boy _____ as he thought of his failure to sell all his newspapers. 3._____ with last year, the price of beef has increased sharply. 4.When we feel proud and powerful, we usually _____ to make ourselves bigger. 三、补全句子 1.我们的班主任总是能够想出解决我们的问题的好方法。(a way to do...) Our headteacher always can come up with _____. 2.由于埋头于功课,他对外面的事情一无所知。(as引导原因状语从句) _____,he knew nothing about the outside world. 3.并非每个学生都真正意识到尊重和传播中国传统文化的重要性。(部分否定) _____ respecting and spreading traditional Chinese culture. 4.尽管我承认他的优点,但我还是能看到他的缺点。(while引导让步状语从句) _____,I can still see his disadvantages. 5.既绝望又无助,简跪了下去,不知道接下来做什么。(读后续写之绝望心理描写)(疑问词+不定式) Desperate and helpless, Jane knelt down, _____. 30分钟组合练 一、阅读理解 A篇   The Great Salt Lake is actually the remainder of prehistoric Lake Bonneville, which covered some 20,000 square miles of land in what is now Utah, Nevada and Idaho some 10,000 to 30,000 years ago. The present lake is about 75 miles long and 35 miles wide, with a maximum depth of 33 feet. After a series of wet years, the lake's surface area may be much larger but it will be only a little bit deeper. Water levels in the lake are far from constant. During its recorded low in 1963, some of the lake's 10 major islands became peninsulas. In 1983, when the lake reached its historic high, it flooded houses, farmland and the nearby freeway. Huge pumps were constructed to put excess water into Utah's west desert. The pumps were shut down in 1989. Four rivers and numerous streams empty into the Great Salt Lake, carrying dissolved (溶解的) minerals. The lake ha ... ...

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