ID: 21439840

Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Using Language & Other Parts of the Unit课件(共39页)+导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-12-12 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:52次 大小:7739330B 来源:二一课件通
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    Period Ⅳ Using Language & Other Parts of the Unit 习语、委婉表达或地道表达 习语、委婉表达或地道表达常用于英语中。在听力选项中一般找不到一模一样的选项,这会使听力内容中跟正确答案密切相关的信息往往不是直接表达,而是通过委婉的地道表达,或者相反的信息来误导学生。这就要求学生正确理解听力信息,平时多多积累日常口语的地道表达,以及关键信息提示词(同义词、近义词、反义词)。 【对应训练1】 What is the man doing A.Offering help. B.Asking for advice. C.Making an appointment. [听力原文] M:Here,let me help you carry your bags. W:Oh,that’s all right.I can manage. M:Yes,but I’ve got two hands free. W:OK.Thank you very much. [解题思路] A [做此题时首先得审清楚题目,问的是对话中男士在做什么,而且听力信息中的I can manage以及I’ve got two hands free均是地道表达,很多学生可能听不懂是什么意思。前者指的是自己可以应付(不需要帮忙),后者说的是现在两手空空,想帮忙。] 【对应训练2】 How does the man feel after retirement A.Lonely. B.Depressed. C.Relaxed. [听力原文] W:Hello,David.I heard you had just retired.Are you enjoying your retirement M:To be honest,I really feel down.Now that I am not working every day,I don’t know what to do with myself. [解题思路] B [能否做对此题在于学生是否理解feel down的含义。这是一种地道表达,用来表明心情抑郁,情绪不高。只有在理解了这层含义之后方能找到对应的近义表达。] Step Ⅰ Read between the lines (Ⅰ)Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. 1.What’s the main idea of the text A.Li Daiyu and her cousin’s journey to Toronto and Montreal. B.Li Daiyu and her cousin’s encounter with Lin Fei. C.Li Daiyu and her cousin’s stay in Montreal. D.The wonderful sights of Quebec. 2.What does the sentence “You owe it to yourselves to stay longer.” mean A.You have to pay more if you stay longer. B.You’d better stay longer to explore the city. C.You needn’t take care of yourselves any longer. D.You ought to pay the money you owed him back. 3.What did Montreal impress the cousins most A.Its transportation. B.Its French tradition. C.Its good music. D.Its multi-culture. 4.What is Jean-Philippe’s opinion about his city—Montreal A.It is a city that is well worth visiting. B.It is the wealthiest city in Canada. C.It consists of many people coming from China. D.It is greatly influenced by English culture. 答案 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A (Ⅱ)Read the text carefully again and fill in the blanks. Parts Where & What the girls did Paras.1-4 Toronto:went on a ①tour of the city;had ②dinner with Lin Fei Paras.5-9 ③Montreal:went downtown;talked with Jean-Philippe,a ④photographer Para.10 Nova Scotia(next stop) Step Ⅱ Read for good sentences (Ⅰ)Read the text and find out the sentences that describe feelings. 1.Standing in the distance,they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls,which is on the south side of the lake. 2.They were surprised to see that all the signs and advertisements were in French and many people spoke English with an accent. 3.The cousins dreamt happily of the beautiful cobblestone s ... ...

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