ID: 21569604

2025年高考英语题型解析 04-题型三 七选五 课件

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:91次 大小:3811682B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2025年高考英语解题技巧 题型三 七选五 名校模拟 Passage 1 词数:259+45 难度:中 建议用时: 8′ 正确率: (2023湖北武汉高三调研][时代热点)We live in a switched-on world in which it's almost unthinkable to be without social media for so much as a day. The colorful images, interesting videos, bite-sized info, easy-to-read stories, viewing other people's lives…All are designed to keep us addicted. 1. . An increasing number of studies indicate that social media can have a negative impact on our relationships IRL (that's "in real life" for non-techies).The good news is that you don't have to go backwards to avoid the dangers of social media. 2. . D G Set time limits Try the Pomodoro Technique. 3. . Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute periods separated by 5-minute breaks. Use an ordinary kitchen timer (to get away from using your phone)to set limits and schedule an activity to do afterwards. Then when the timer rings, step away from your device and turn off those notifications. 4. . The infinite scrolling(无限滚动), as it's termed by developers, is specifically designed to keep you aimlessly looking at news feeds and passively taking in everything you see. Before you go online, decide what you're going for and stick to it. In this focused way you can go straight to what you want to see without mindlessly scrolling for things that don't support your intentions. F A Avoid comparison 5. . This famous saying has never been truer than when we see other people's seemingly "perfect lives" online. It can leave us feeling that we're simply not good enough. Although comparing ourselves to others is normal human behavior, remember that people's social media pages are not a true reflection of their real life. A. Stay focused. B. Scroll freely. C. Comparison is the thief of joy. D. However, there is a darker aspect. E. No man is happy but by comparison. F. This time-management strategy breaks your time up into periods. G. Instead, you can free yourself from dependence but still enjoy the positive side. C 主旨———社交媒体会给我们的生活带来负面影响,但是我们可以利用一些方法使自己摆 脱对社交媒体的依赖,同时享受其带来的好处。 脉络———"总—分"结构。 1.___ D 【解析】 逻辑关系线索和词汇复现线索。根据上文可知,社交媒体成为人们日常生活 中不可或缺的一部分,我们对其上瘾。而空后句中"social media can have a negative impact on our relationships IRL"指出社交媒体对我们现实生活中的人际关系有负面影 响。D项"然而,还有更黑暗的一面"与上文构成转折关系并衔接下文,且D项中"a darker aspect"与下文中"a negative impact"为同义复现。故选D。 盖盖有方法 根据表转折的逻辑关系词,快速锁定D和G选项。根据空处前后讨论社交媒体的优缺点, 可排除G项"相反,你可以使自己摆脱(对社交媒体的)依赖,同时享受其带来的好处", 即可快速解题。 2.___ G 【解析】 逻辑关系线索和词汇复现线索。上文提出"好消息是你不必为了避免社交媒体 的危害而倒退",G项"相反,你可以使自己摆脱(对社交媒体的)依赖,同时享受其带 来的好处"与空前句构成转 ... ...

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