ID: 21569609

2025年高考英语题型解析 03-题型二 阅读理解 课件

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:66次 大小:9607836B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2025年高考英语解题技巧 题型二 阅读理解 名校模拟 记叙文 Passage 1 词数:317 难度:易 建议用时:7′ 正确率: (2023苏北四市联考)An 89-year-old man, Manfred Steiner, has reached a goal he spent 20 years working toward and nearly a lifetime thinking about: earning his Ph. D.And now he is a physicist. Steiner values this degree because it is what he always wanted and because he overcame health problems that could have affected his studies. "But I made it, and this was the most satisfactory point in my life," he said. When he was young, Steiner wanted to become a physicist after reading about Albert Einstein. But his mother and uncle persuaded him that studying medicine would be a better choice. He earned his medical degree in 1955 and moved to the US soon after. Steiner studied hematology(血液学) at Tufts University and biochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He became a full professor and led the hematology department at Brown University's medical school from 1985 to 1994. Steiner helped establish a research program in hematology at the University of North Carolina. He directed that program until he retired from medicine in 2000. Steiner found medical research pleasing, but it was not quite the same as his interest in physics. "It was something like a wish that was never fulfilled and always stuck in my head," he said. At age 70, he started taking undergraduate classes. Physics professor Brad Marston was surprised when Steiner entered his quantum mechanics class. But he became Steiner's adviser on his dissertation(学位论文) after realizing how serious Steiner was about the subject and how hard he worked. "He has written many papers on medical science, more papers than I've written on physics," Marston said. "One thing that's really true about Manfred is that he perseveres." After the university published a story about Steiner on its website, people across the US contacted him to ask for advice on how to go after their dreams later in life. His advice is: Do what you love to do. 主题语境:人与自我———生活与学习———89岁圆梦博士学位 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Steiner 70岁时学习物理本科课程,89岁时获得物 理学博士学位,因此成了美国所有追梦者的榜样的故事。 1.Why did Steiner value his degree in physics ( ) B A.It solved his health problems. B.It was his long-pursued dream. C.It met his mother's expectation. D.It was inspired by Albert Einstein. 【解析】 细节理解题。定:根据题干关键词"value his degree"定位到第二段。比:根据 第二段第一句中的"Steiner values this degree because it is what he always wanted"可 知,Steiner重视他的物理学博士学位是因为这是他一直追求的梦想。换:B项中的"his long-pursued dream"与原文中的"what he always wanted"是同义替换。 2.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about ( ) C A.Steiner's contributions to teaching. B.Steiner's researches after retirement. C.Steiner's achievements in hematology. D.Steiner's performances at Tufts University. 【解析】 段落大意题 ... ...

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