ID: 21701957

Unit 4 My favorite subject Section A pronunciation-2f课件+内嵌音视频【新人教(2024)版七上英语】

日期:2024-12-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:72次 大小:27713176B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit4 My favourite subject SectionA pronunciation-2f 目 录 Warming-up Present Language points Homework 01 02 03 04 行业PPT模板http://www./hangye/ Warming-up 01 Watch a video and answer the questions Do you know about them toy owl boat / / /a / / / diphthongs 元音 单元音 双元音 辅音 双元音由两个单元音组合而成。 音素 Present 02 /e / name face day /e / [双元音]舌尖抵住前下齿,舌前部抬向硬腭,先发/e/,发音时,向/i/音滑动,在滑动过程中形成/ei/音,声带振动 /a / nice why China /a / [双元音]将舌平放口中,先发/a/音,由/a/向/I/滑动,滑动过程中口形从开到合,发此音时注意把音发足。/aI/的音类似于汉语拼音”ai”或汉字”爱”发音。声带振动发音 / / boy toy point [双元音]舌身平放,先发元音/ /,然后滑向高位元音/i/,舌身抬向/i/高位,这一过程就形成了/ i/ / / / / note road sofa / / [双元音]嘴唇由自然变为圆形,舌位从中元音/ /的位置滑向//音,在接近/ /音时停止,这个过程形成的音就是/ /,声带振动。此音与”欧”的汉语拼音相似 /a / now mouth about /a / [双元音]嘴唇由自然变为圆形,舌位从中元音/ /的位置滑向//音,在接近/ /音时停止,这个过程形成的音就是/ /,声带振动。此音与”欧”的汉语拼音相似 / / ear near here / / [双元音]口形由小变为略开,舌头从/i/的位置向/ /的方向滑动,声带振动,此过程中形成的音就是/i / /e / hair wear share /e / [双元音]嘴唇由自然向嘴角稍微拉开一点,舌头从/e/的位置滑向/ /,舌中后部稍微隆起,声带振动,此过程形成的音就是/e / [双元音]嘴唇由微圆到开,舌头从/ /的位置上开始,舌头从//的位置上开始,朝/ /的方向滑动,声带振动,在此过程中形成的音就是/ / / / / / sure tour poor /e / /a / / / / / /a / / / /e / / / name nice boy note now ear hair sure face why toy road mouth near wear tour day China point sofa about here share poor Pronunciation Listen and repeat. 1 Read, listen, and repeat. Notice how the words link together. 2 Wake up! Wake up! I don’t want to get up. It’s time to get up. Get up! You’re going to be late. What time is it Late for what I don’t want to get up Late for school. Come on! Get up! But it is Sunday, Mum! Find the link rules 1. 辅音+元音 前一个词的词尾是辅音,后一个词以元音开头,这时两个词可以连读。 What is this What’s up 2. –r/-re+元音 前一个词的词尾是r或re,后一个词以元音 开头,这时两个词可以连读,中间增加一个 /r/音。 Ask the teacher for it. There is a ball on the desk. Read and say Pair work What’s your favourite subject My favourite subject is … Why do you like … Because it’s … Look and guess: 1.What’s their relationship 3.What are they talking about 2. Where are they 4.Where are they going Maybe they are classmates/friends. Their study or their favorite subject. They are in the school. They maybe go to the classroom or teachers’ office. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. 2a Binbin: What’s your next class Emma: History. It’s my favourite subject. Binbin: Why do you like it Emma: It’s _____ to learn about the past. Binbin: What’s your favourite subject, Meimei Meimei: My favourite subject is English. It’s _____, and my English teacher is really nice. ... ...

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