ID: 21750315

【教材完全解读】新人教版选修二Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land课堂笔记(PDF电子书版)

日期:2025-01-04 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:22次 大小:7345508B 来源:二一课件通
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JOURNEY Elaine英语 UNIT ACROSS A 穿越广袤土地闲旅程 VAST LAND Travel far enough,you meet yourself.走形远,配会遇见目乙, Elaine英语 David Mitchell 课堂践记 P37-48 1.I think it was taken in the winter somewhere in the Rocky Mountains or the Alps. 2.If I took a journey like this,I think I would see a lot of beautiful scenery and make some new friends. 3.I have travelled from Beijing to (rumqi by train.The trip was quite pleasant and relaxing,as I had a sleep on,and I could get up and walk around the train,I think this trip was different from the trip in the picture because the train did not pass through any high,snowy mountains during the trip.On my trip I mostly saw hills and desert. 日lae英调 In this unit,you will Look and discuss 1 read about a rail journey across Canada 1 When an熙片美时简t抽闲oto taken3 2 hear and talk about journeys across vast 2 If you took a rail journey like this,what do lands. 果序进行9X球击铁6冰积号看到e公轮6什么7 3 write an email about a journey. 3 Have you ever taken a long rail journey 4 learn about a journey through Jack London's What was it like How might the rail Literature. journey in the photo be different or similar Elaine英语 3.你桑传收车长姓旅行过吗?是什4样的旅行? 和鼎片中南铁路旅行有什么不同之处威相以之处? 37

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