课件网) Unit 6 At one with nature Developing ideas BY MICHELLE A Love of Gardening What does the video mainly show us The history of _____. gardening 严格来说,具有真正意义上的英式花园直到18世纪才真正确立,并在其后的维多利亚时期充分积淀,在20世纪受到自然主义思潮的影响下成为当今世界园艺的重要范本。不过反观英国花园一路走来的漫长岁月,其间与各种异国花园之间的借鉴与反思才是如今英国人如此推崇自然主义花园的根本原因。一切始于田野,又归于田野。 What does the video mainly show us Complete the quiz to see how much you know about British gardens. Try to guess if you are not sure of the correct answers. The earliest British gardens were planted in the 1st century AD. Ancient Roman Garden 最早的英国花园是公元1世纪由罗马征服者在英国建造的。罗马花园伴随着大型别墅和宫殿出现,后者最好的例子可能是苏塞克斯的菲什伯恩罗马宫(Fishbourne Roman Palace)。菲什伯恩罗马宫展示了一种精心对称的正式种植,这是在古希腊哲学思潮和几何学发展的影响下,人对于审美的权衡,那就是对称。 如今,罗马宫的花园得到了修复,不过必然伴随着现代生活下的润色。我们依旧可以从其架构一窥当时的设计思路:低矮的方形树篱被砾石小径分开。树篱上点缀着小壁龛,里面可能安置有雕像等装饰品。房子附近的主花园面前是一片绿地,通向水边;还有一个小菜园,种植着不列颠常见的水果和蔬菜。 你会发现,作为一个真正的花园而不是历史遗迹来考量,罗马宫花园并不让人满意。我们对盎格鲁-撒克逊英格兰的花园知之甚少,其中一种说法是,好战的盎撒人可能并不认为园艺像今天那么重要。 Gardening in the UK People in the UK love gardening. Nearly half of British people regard gardening as a hobby they generally enjoy. They spend much time maintaining their gardens, and among people aged 55 and above, the time goes even more. According to some research, people in the UK spend an average of 30,000 pounds on their gardens during their lives. Look at the title of the passage and the picture. Tick what you think is mentioned in the passage. different kinds of plants famous gardens gardening competitions greening of cities air quality country life Now read the passage and check your answer. Choose the topic sentences and write them on the lines to complete the passage. As well as being good for the environment, gardening is also good for the soul. But in cities, limited space has led to people looking for new solutions. For many people in the UK, their garden is their own private world. This is what started the British love of gardening! A topic sentence is a sentence that states or suggests the main idea or topic of a paragraph. Often, a topic sentence comes at the beginning of a paragraph; sometimes, it appears in the middle or at the end. Para 4 Para 3 Para 2 Para 1 Which sentence can show more and more British people love gardening (Para 1) Today, millions of Brits like to say that they have “green fingers”, with around half the population spending their free time gardening. = they are good at growing plants [BrE]Green fingers= [NAmE]green thumb n. 园艺技能;种植技能 Which sentence can show more ... ...