ID: 22282458

2025届高三英语复习读后续写6 非谓语 +从句 导学案

日期:2025-02-05 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:93次 大小:38001B 来源:二一课件通
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英语培优6 学案 长句(非谓语、从句等句型的使用)+培优5跟踪训练讲评 一 场景描写回顾 外部环境与情感,行为紧密相连(寓情于景,烘托气氛) 人(或多人)在特定情境下的表现: 外部环境+人物心理+人物具体行为 (夜里担心自己赚不到钱买金丝雀,担心Mrs. Riley辗转反侧; 我纠结是否要拿走不属于我的20元钱; 风大浪高的水库上,船突然坏了,我恐惧,求救;) 画面定格式群像描写 积累场景描写词汇 be bathed in / be enveloped in a field dotted with flowers Flakes were swirling in the sky; drift; -- Dancing snow whispered a story of -- The headwind was kicking up and the waves were crashing against the boat. The wind dropped. The leaves rustled. The snow crunched under our boots. The morning sun flooded in through the window. The setting sun cast a gentle glow over the park. The leaves rustled and whispered in the breeze. Sunlight filtered through the dense branches, creating an air of mystery. The sun’s rays danced on the sparkling water. Everywhere you look, there are rolling hills. 二 长句应用(非谓语、从句) 短句 力量爆发 It is a deep night. No noises. No sounds. Just a light shade of the moon is seen. No one expects the drama… 恐惧氛围 It wasn’t fair that Riley had to get sick. How would I buy a canary of my own 内心独白 My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't believe it. Sam. All mine.内心独白 Sam looked at me.He chirped, as if to say,"Well " I considered it. Someday I'd have enough money to buy a canary of my own. 内心独白But Mrs. Riley would never get another one. Plus, if I took Sam, Mrs. Riley would be all alone. 激动,纠结,多种想法快速闪过,群像描写(快节奏) Could I take him Sam waited. Mrs. Riley waited. “I can't take Sam," I said. "He belongs to you. And I’ll keep working for you. You don’t have to pay me." 直接引语 The next day I ran upstairs with a bag of groceries. Mrs. Riley was still in bed. I emptied the bag, put the milk in the tiny refrigerator, and then began dusting around (动作链). Sam hopped on his swing as I dusted the top of his cage. 推动情节发展 (二)长句 较复杂的含义,节奏舒缓,力量积蓄(描写景色,情感,深刻的道理) Autumn came without special invitation, coloring the tress in orange, yellow and red, whispering the cold in our ears and hiding the warm sun rays from our eyes. I tossed and turned, haunted by the image of Sam chirping alone in his cage. 展现:辗转反侧的场景,具体想法 I declined her offer, saying I would earn enough money to buy a canary later on and I would continue to work for her without being paid. 间接引语 (三)长短句结合,避免单一结构或句型 Good writing consists of a mixture of short and long sentences. Short sentences have punch力量 and are a great way to emphasize important points. Longer sentences add rhythm to your writing. Examples: 1-1. The workday ended. She went home. The door was open. Nervous, she looked around. No one was there. Everything seemed safe. Maybe the wind blew it open. She locked the door. The deadbolt门栓 jammed. It needed oil. Damn this house. It always needed upkeep. 短句 1-2. The workday end ... ...

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