ID: 22286695


日期:2025-02-05 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:72次 大小:21832B 来源:二一课件通
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高考英语读后续写 常用经典比喻句 1.Her heart was a fragile glass vase,ready to shatter at the slightest touch. 她的内心就像一个易碎的玻璃花瓶,稍有触碰就会碎裂。 2.The classroom was a beehive of activity,buzzing with excitement. 教室就像一个热闹的蜂巢,充满了兴奋的嗡嗡声。 3.Time is a thief,stealing away our youth without a sound. 时间是个小偷,悄无声息地偷走了我们的青春。 4.His words were daggers,piercing through her heart. 他的话语像匕首一样,刺穿了她的心。 5.The sun was a golden coin,melting into the horizon. 太阳就像一枚金色的硬币,融化在地平线上。 6.Her laughter was a melody,filling the room with warmth. 她的笑声就像一首旋律,给房间带来了温暖。 7.The city was a jungle,full of hidden dangers. 这座城市就像一片丛林,充满了隐藏的危险。 8.His mind was a storm,swirling with thoughts and emotions. 他的内心就像一场风暴,充满了思绪和情感。 9.The river was a ribbon,winding through the countryside. 那条河就像一条丝带,蜿蜒穿过乡村。 10.Her eyes were stars,twinkling with hope. 她的眼睛就像星星,闪烁着希望。 11.The book was a treasure chest,filled with knowledge. 这本书就像一个宝箱,装满了知识。 12.The old house was a ghost,haunting the memories of its past. 那座老房子就像一个幽灵,萦绕着过去的记忆。 13.His voice was a whisper,barely heard in the silence. 他的声音就像耳语,在寂静中几乎听不见。 14.The garden was a painting,with flowers as its colors. 花园就像一幅画,花朵是它的色彩。 15.The night was a blanket,covering the world in darkness. 夜晚就像一条毯子,将世界笼罩在黑暗中。 16.His anger was a volcano,ready to erupt at any moment. 他的愤怒就像一座火山,随时可能爆发。 17.The road was a ribbon of light,stretching into the distance. 那条路就像一条光带,延伸到远方。 18.Her smile was sunshine,brightening the darkest day. 她的笑容就像阳光,照亮了最黑暗的日子。 19.The forest was a cathedral,with trees as its pillars. 森林就像一座大教堂,树木是它的柱子。 20.His heart was a battlefield,torn between love and duty. 他的内心就像战场,爱情与责任在其中交战。 21.The river was a mirror,reflecting the sky above. 那条河就像一面镜子,倒映着天空。 22.The old clock was a storyteller,ticking away the tales of time. 那座老钟就像一个讲故事的人,滴答滴答地讲述着时间的故事。 23.Her tears were raindrops,falling from the sky of her eyes. 她的眼泪就像雨滴,从她的眼睛里落下。 24.The ocean was a giant,roaring with waves. 海洋就像一个巨人,波涛汹涌。 25.His dreams were castles in the air,built on hope. 他的梦想就像空中楼阁,建立在希望之上。 26.The moon was a silver coin,hanging in the night sky. 月亮就像一枚银色的硬币,挂在夜空中。 27.The old man was a book,filled with the wisdom of years. 那位老人就像一本书,装满了岁月的智慧。 28.The storm was a beast,roaring and tearing through the land. 那场暴风雨就像一头野兽,咆哮着横扫大地。 29.Her voice was a song,soothing the soul. 她的声音就像一首歌,抚慰着心灵。 30.The mountain was a giant,standing tall and proud. 那座山就像一个巨人,高大而自豪地矗立着。 31.Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance. 貌美而无德犹如玫瑰无芳香。 32.Befo ... ...

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