课件网) Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 校园的春天! Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change. Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change. 找找校园里的春天在哪里? Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 分享一下你看到的校园春光吧! 我看到的校园风景(描述或绘画) 举例: 你好, 春天! Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 演一演:小草发芽的样子 课堂角色扮演: 小组合作,我们今天要扮演的是小草发芽的形态。 轰隆隆,我往地面挤一挤; 滴答答,我将身体伸一伸; 哎呀呀,我要快快长大啦! 你好, 春天! Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 评一评:谁是最佳表演小组 你好, 春天! Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text ... ...