课件网) Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) 课文导入 同学们,大家现在都是九年级的学生了,几年前的你是什么样的?想想你上5年级时的情景,告诉你的同伴那时候你的外貌和性格与现在有什么不同之处。 课文呈现 1a. Fill in the chart with words to describe people. Appearance Personality tall outgoing straight hair funny short fat thin a round face friendly silent active humorous Language Goal : Talk about what you used to be like 课文呈现 —Mario, you used to be short, didn’t you ① —Yes, I did. 课文呈现 1b. Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. What did his friends use to look like 1. Mario used to be _____.He used to wear _____. 2. Amy used to be _____.She used to have _____ hair. 3. Tina used to have _____ and _____ hair. short glasses really tall short red curly 听力材料 Conversation 1 Bob: Mario, is that you Mario: Yeah, it is. It’s Bob! Hey guys, it’s Bob! I haven’t seen you for four years! Bob: Yeah. I’m here with my parents. We’re visiting for a couple of days. Wow, Mario, you look different! You used to be short, didn’t you Mario: Yes, I did. Now I’m tall. And so are you! Bob: That’ true. And you used to wear glasses. 听力材料 Conversation 2 Bob: Hey, Amy, it’s great to see you. Amy: Hi, Bob. How are you Bob: Fine. Wow, you’ve changed! Amy: Really How Bob: You used to have short hair. Amy: You remember that Yes, I did. Bob: And you used to be really tall! Amy: Not anymore. You’re taller than me now, Bob. 听力材料 Conversation 3 Tina: Hiya, Bob. Bob: Hi, Tina. You’ve changed, too. Tina: Oh, yeah Bob: You have blonde hair! Tina: Yeah, it used to be red, didn’t it Bob: And it’s straight! Tina: Yeah, it used to be curly. 课文呈现 1c. Look at the picture in 1a and make conversations. A: Did Mario use to be short B: Yes, he did. He used to be really short. A: What’s he like now ② B: He’s tall now. 课文呈现 2a. Listen and check (√) the words you hear. _____ friendly _____ outgoing _____ serious _____ humorous ③ _____ silent ④ _____ active _____ brave _____ quiet _____ helpful ⑤ √ √ √ √ √ √ 听力材料 Paula: Hey, Steve! Over here! Don’t you remember me Steve: Oh, wow! You’re Paula, aren’t you Paula: That’s right. We were in the same science class during Grade 8. Steve: Yes, now I remember. You used to be really quiet, didn’t you I remember you were always silent in class. Paula: Yeah. I wasn’t very outgoing. I was never brave enough to ask the teachers any questions! 听力材料 Steve: Well, but you were always friendly. And you got a better grade in science than I did, haha. And I remember you were really good in music class, too. Wait a minute! Did you use to play the piano Paula: Yes, I did. But now I’m more interested in sports. I play soccer almost every day, and I’m on a swim team. But I still play the piano from time to time. Steve: Wow, you’re so active! People sure change. 课文呈现 2b. Listen again ... ...