ID: 22470659

2025年人教版中考英语一轮复习八年级上册Unit 8 重点短语整理清单

日期:2025-03-14 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:84次 大小:21841B 来源:二一课件通
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2025中考英语一轮复习-Unit8重点短语整理清单 在一个大盘子上有一些胡椒粉。 There is some pepper on the big / large plate. 首先,挖一个洞。 First, dig a hole. (Next, Then, Finally) 为了吃一个美味的三明治,你喜欢它里有生菜吗? To eat a delicious sandwich, do you like lettuce in it 不要帮我把肉切成薄片。 Don't help me cut the meat into thin pieces. 这顿饭的主菜是什么? What's the main dish of this meal 到了享受米线的时候。 It's time to enjoy the rice noodles. 用肉汁盖着火鸡。 Cover the turkey with gravy. 和某人握手 shake hands with sb 你知道怎样种树吗? Do you know how to plant trees 我们需要多少西红柿? How many tomatoes do we need 我们需要多少黄油? How much butter do we need 你怎样制作一份香蕉奶昔? How do you make a banana milk shake 一个接一个 one by one 一个有热汤的锅 a pot of hot soup 使鸡汤非常烫 make the chicken soup very hot 一碗米线 a bowl of rice noodles 给某人量体温 take one's temperature 在非常高温下长时间煮… cook sth at a very high temperature for a long time 把一切混合在一起 mix together everything 把…和…混合在一起 mix … and … together = mix … with … 混合在一起 mix up 用…覆盖… cover ... with ... …被…填满 ... be filled with ... = full of ... 用…填… fill ... with ... 庆祝感恩节 celebrate Thanksgiving 在秋天 in autumn 春 spring ; 夏 summer ; 冬 winter 度过一个漫长艰难的冬天 have a long and hard winter 第一个来自英国的旅行者 the first traveller from England 旅行(v.) travel 多亏 Thanks to... 感谢某事 Thanks for sth 感谢做某事 Thanks for doing sth 到了某事的时候 It's time for sth 到了做某事的时候 It's time to do sth 在特别的节日 on special holidays …的传统 the tradition of … 吃传统食物 eat traditional food 两片面包 two pieces of bread 另一片面包 another piece of bread 把一些生菜放到火鸡三明治上 put some lettuce on the turkey sandwich 制作一个奶酪三明治 make a cheese sandwich 从图书馆拿出一本书 take out the book from the library 在故事的末尾 at the end of the story 到今年为止 by the end of this year 在街的尽头 at the end of the street 最终(3) finally = at last = in the end 另一件事(2) another thing = one more thing 再煮十分钟(2) cook for another ten minutes = cook for ten more minutes 咸的 salty 少量盐 a little salt 把白糖添加到牛奶 add the sugar to milk 添加…到… add… to … 总计为 add up to 为星期六的晚会制作罗宋汤 make Russian soup for a party on Saturday 蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad 制作水果沙拉 make fruit salad 两勺蜂蜜 two spoons of honey 一杯酸奶 a cup of yogurt 打开爆米花机 turn on the popcorn machine 把牛奶倒入搅拌机 pour the milk into the blender 倒出 pour out 把西瓜放入搅拌机 put the watermelons in the blender 切碎(2) cut up ... = cut ... into pieces 砍伐 cut down 切断 cut off 删除 cut out 插嘴 cut in 剥三个香蕉 peel three bananas 为某人剥某物 peel sth for sb = peel sb sth ... ...

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