
牛津深圳版英语八下Module1 Social communication Unit 2 Body language(课件+教案+练习)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:42次 大小:10833768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 Body language 第一课时 Reading Warm up Warm up How does Harry look He looks quite angry. What is his problem He can’t understand why people don’t want to talk to him. Do you understand why? Because he looks angry and people are afraid of talking to him. Lead in Do you know the meanings of the following gestures OK. Bye. Great/ Well done! Stop! Lead in Do you know the meanings of the following facial expressions shy surprised happy sad Presentation Reading A What do you know about…. Look at the pictures below and match them with the adjectives from the box. Write the words in the blanks. surprised angry excited happy B Before you read Look at the picture, the title and the introduction to the story on page 19. Then answer the questions below. Look at the photo The title “Body language” The introduction “Debbie and Simon are students. They both have part-time jobs at a travel company. Presentation 1. Where does the story take place 2. Who are the young people in the photo At a travel company. They are Debbie and Simon. Presentation 3. What body language are the boy and the girl showing Tick ( )B for the boy and G for the girl. B G A looking down B looking up C sitting up straight D smiling E looking happy F looking bored √ Presentation Presentation 4. Which person looks friendlier , the boy or the girl The girl. Presentation Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 1.Where do Debbie and Simon do part-time jobs At a travel company. 2.Why didn’t Simon look happy People always chose Debbie instead of him. 3. Who gives Simon advice Mr Yang. 4. Who was the beautiful girl What did she come to do It was Simon’s sister. She came to remind him that tomorrow is her birthday. Presentation C1 Find words from the story on page 19 that have similar meanings to the words below. 1. wearing nice clothes 2. a polite word for a woman 3. the look on one’s face 4. the way someone or something looks 5. keeping something in a place well-dressed lady expression appearance holding Vocabulary Presentation C2 Later that day, Simon was talking with his plete their conversation with the words from the box. body language matter towards later part-time Simon: Mum, I’m thinking of leaving my _____ job at the travel company. Mum: What’s the _____ You have a good chance to learn about travel there. Don’t you want to build a career in tourism part-time matter Presentation Simon: Yes, but it’s more important for me to develop other skills at the moment. I want to take a class in communication skills because I need to improve my _____. I can get another job like this _____. Mum: Well, I understand the feelings you have _____ your job, but I don’t think you should leave it. This job will teach you something you can’t learn in a classroom. Simon: Thanks, Mum. I’ll think it over. body language later towards Strategy I don’t understand. _____ It’s the way you communicate. _____ Communicating is ... ...

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