
7AMain task[上学期]

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:83次 大小:5038Byte 来源:二一课件通
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校级公开课教案 Main task 溧阳市余桥中学 执教:史惠英 2005.11 Objects: 1. To organize information using a writing plan 2. To use a writing plan and a model poster to develop creative writing skills 3. To design and make a poster 4. To say something about Chinese festival Main points and difficulties:Objects1.2.4 Teaching ways:many pictures Teaching ways: step 1. Greetings step 2. Rvision 1. Review the months. Seasons. days Step 3. Have a talk 1. Ask: What do people say at Halloween 2. What is Halloween ①When is it ②Who celebrates it 3. How do people celebrate Halloween ①Discuss how to “dress up”. Say it together ②Discuss how to play “trick or treat”. Check ③Talk about how to make pumpkin lanterns, check and say a short passage ④Discuss how to have parties,check and say some sentences step 4. Practise 1. According to the phrases to say something about Halloween. 2. To do it together 3. check 4. To complete the text and check 5. To show some language points and practise Step 5. Extention 1. Show a poster of Chinese New Year Chinese New Year What is chinese New Year How do people celebrate it In January or February ①buy clothes and food before the festival ②have a big dinner on Chinese New Year’s Eve ③Watch TV or fireworks ④give red packets to childken ⑤Visit friends 2. Accordirg to the information to write something about Chinese New Year Step 6. Homework 1. Write something about Chinese New Year or something about Hallaween.

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