
C1 Encyclopaedia (1)[下学期]

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:26次 大小:1892273Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。encyclopaediaChapter 1Do you know anything about an encyclopaedia?Diplodocus is very long eats plants has small teeth walks slowly does not fly or swimTyrannosaurus Rex is very big eats meat has sharp teeth runs fast does not fly or swim eats fish drinks a lot of water has a lot of teeth lives near lakes runs but does not fly is very huge eats meat has a lot of sharp teeth runs very fast has strong arms has long sharp paws does not fly or swimWhy did dinosaurs come to an end?How do we know about dinosaurs' stories?We know the dinosaurs’ stories from dinosaur fossils: bones, eggs, teeth, footprints, nest, skull, droppings…Dinosaur teeth fossilDinosaur footprint fossil footprintskeletonDinosaur droppings fossilDinosaur nest fossilDinosaur skull fossilbackdinosaur Diogenes clever and interesting Diogenes ( )1. You can find dinosaurs in zoos. ( )2. There are no dinosaurs left in the world. ( )3. Ancient men ate dinosaurs. ( )4. Which two words do you use to describe the dinosaurs eating meat? A. fierce B. harmful C. gentle D. small ( )5. Diogenes, a famous thinker, came from Greece . Greece is a country in ___. A. Africa B. Asia C. EuropeTry the following quizFTFA.BA( )6. People go to Disneyland for ____. A. study B. sport C. fun ( )7. Walt Disney was _____. A. an American B. an Australian C. a European ( )8. Which was not created by Walt Disney? A. Mickey Mouse B. Donald Duck C. Monkey King CACWhat else do you know about dinosaurs?Dinosaurs Dinosaurs existed on Earth more than sixty million years ago, much earlier than human beings. They were everywhere. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as elephants. Some dinosaurs had wings and could fly as quickly as birds today. Many dinosaurs were harmless. They were as gentle as sheep and ate plants. Others were harmful. They could fight more fiercely than tigers and ate meat, unlike most other dinosaurs. Dinosaurs all died suddenly. Nobody knows why. We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and footprints they left behind.

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