
必修5 unit1-unit5 单词拼写(浙江省杭州市临安市)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:31次 大小:11814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高二英语第五模块单词拼写专项测试 Unit 1 1. It was Thomas Newcomen not James Watt who invented steam e_____. 2. He a_____ the various factors and then made his decision. 3. Being e_____ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. 4. The country has come under s_____ criticism for its human rights record. 5. The c_____ of this bridge took six months. 6. I’ll phone him i_____ I hear any news. 7. He c_____ generously to the Red Cross. 8. Are you p_____ that there’s been no mistake? 9. With common e_____ all ages and classes rushed to the sea for health or pleasure. 10. She opened the door c_____ so as not to wake the baby. Unit 2 11. This article can be d_____ into four parts. 12. His explanation c_____ the mystery. 13. It’s i_____ to buy cigarettes in Britain if you’re under 16. 14. If it is c_____ to you I’ll be with you next Tuesday. 15. I don't want to i_____ you. You must decide for yourself. 16. Please a_____ for a taxi to pick me up at six o’clock. 17. I’m sorry, sir, those shoes are not a_____ in your size. 18. To their d_____, their son was admitted into a famous university. 19. I only wear a tie on special o_____. 20. They play for the t_____ of it, not merely to win. Unit 3 21. A tractor is a powerful motor v_____ with large wheels and thick tires used for pulling farm machinery. 22. They wanted to build a new school but they couldn’t find a suitable l_____ for it. 23. The story r_____ me of an experience I once had. 24. Tom’s mother died two days p_____ to his arrival. 25. The house is situated in very pleasant s_____. 26. She was o_____ about the future of the company but the rest were pessimistic. 27. The program gives students the o_____ to learn more about global warming. 28. James can i_____ his father’s speech perfectly. 29. An Act was passed giving the army e_____ power in time of war. 30. CIA stands for Central Intelligence A_____. Unit 4 31. He is a lawyer by p_____. 32. A c_____ is someone who works in the same place, office, etc. as oneself. 33. I cannot c_____ on my work when I’m hungry. 34. They may not offer me much money. In that c_____, I won’t take the job. 35. She d_____ ignored me when I passed her in the street. 36. After a hard day’s work, I felt t_____ tired. 37. This is the second e_____ of this dictionary. 38. Her report of what happened was a_____ in every detail. 39. He e_____ almost all his spare time in reading. 40. The job is not finished but is still in p_____. Unit 5 41. He almost c_____ to death on a fish bone. 42. We can live without clothes, but food and drink are e_____. 43. He has too m_____ a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause. 44. Would you s_____ some oranges and make me a glass of juice? 45. The s_____ don’t appear until a few days after you’re infected. 46. The winter here is cold and d_____. 47. He had the honor of being p_____ to the Queen. 48. He received a prize at the graduation c_____ of the university. 49. They were taken by a_____ to the nearest hospital ... ...

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