

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:38次 大小:12034Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2010年高考英语难点37讲 难点17 独立主格结构 英语与汉语在表达习惯上有些不同,独立主格结构便是其中之一。独立主格结构是学习的难点。独立主格结构用作状语,多用来表示行为方式或伴随的情况,也可用来表示时间、原因、条件等。 ●难点磁场 1.(★★★★) ,they will go and visit the zoo. A.Weather permitting B.Weather permitted C.Weather being permitted D.Weather having permitted 2.(★★★★)The problem ,they all went home happily. A.settling B.to be settled C.settled D.to settle 3.(★★★★)A lot of work ,he had no time to talk with us. A.done B.to do C.doing D.to be doing ●案例探究 1.Everyone_____ their seats,the meeting began. A.taken B.taking C.having taken D.to take 命题意图:此题考查独立主格结构作时间状语。此题属五星级题目。 知识依托:名词或代词+现在分词作状语,名词或代词就是分词的逻辑主语。 错解分析:A项taken为过去分词,它与逻辑主语之间逻辑上是被动关系,而此题中everyone与take their seats 应为主动关系。B项强调动作与句子谓语表示的动作同时发生,而此题中应是先就座,后开会,有明显的先后顺序。 解题方法与技巧:①everyone与take their seats是主动关系。 ②分词与句子谓语有明显先后顺序。分词应用过完成式。 答案:C 2.He stood there,his hands_____ behind. A.tying B.tied C.were tying D.were tied 命题意图:此题旨在考查独立主格作方式状语。此题属四星级题目。 知识依托:“名词或代词+过去分词”作为独立主格结构作状语。名词/代词与过去分词构成逻辑上的被动关系。 错解分析:D项干扰性最强,但是若选D项,题干为两个独立的简单句,缺少连词,可把句子改为He stood there and his hands were tied behind. 解题方法与技巧:弄清楚名词与分词之间的逻辑关系。 答案:B 3._____,Mother had to stay at home and looked after him. A.Being ill B.He was ill C.Tom being ill D.To be ill 命题意图:此题考查独立主格结构作原因状语。此题属五星级题。 知识依托:名词或代词加现在分词构成的独立主格结构。 错解分析:干扰性最强的选项为A项,A项为现在分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语应是句子的主语Mother,那和“Mother had to…looked after him”意思不一致了。 解题方法与技巧:掌握分词作状语与独立主格结构作状语的区别。 答案:C ●锦囊妙计 1.独立主格结构是由一名词或代词(作逻辑主语)加现在分词、过去分词、不定式、形容词、副词或介词短语构成,用作状语。 2.名词与现在分词是逻辑上的主动关系,与过去分词是逻辑上的被动关系。 3.掌握分词或分词短语作状语与独立主格结构作状语的区别。 ●歼灭难点训练 1.(★★★★★)_____,there is no school. A.It is Sunday B.It was Sunday C.It will be Sunday D.It being Sunday 2.(★★★★)_____,all the students ran out of the classroom. A.Class was over B.Class is over C.Class over D.When class over 3.(★★★★)_____,everything has changed. A.Time goes on B.Time going on C.As time going on D.With time went on 4.(★★★★)He was lying on the grass,his hands_____ under his head. A.crossing B.crossed C.was crossing D.were crossed 5.(★★★★★)The storm_____ their house,they had to live in a cave. A.destroyed B.destroying C.having destroyed D.being destroyed 6.(★★★★)He entered the room,_____. A.his nose was red with cold B.and his nose red with cold C.his nose red with cold D.his nose been red with cold 7.(★★★★)Here are th ... ...

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