
Unit 2 Big cities 课件

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:47次 大小:4720102Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。Welcome to the United Kingdom (UK)London is the capital of the UK.的首都hospital capital英国国旗:米字旗The city is full of history and culture.充满pictureThere are many interesting places(名胜) in London.They are great fun to visit. it sit visitThis is the British Museum. It is one of the three largest museums in the world.大英博物馆This is the London Eye. The London Eye is the most popular paid tourist attraction in UK.This is the Tower Bridge(塔桥). It has a history of about 120 years.The Big Ben has become one of the most famous symbols(标志) of UK. It is about 100 metres tall. It is also called the Elizabeth Tower. 伊丽莎白塔Look and say.the British Museumthe London EyeTower Bridgethe Big Ben1. What is the capital of UK?London is the capital of UK.Ask and answer:2. What is the most popular place in London?The British Museum, Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the London Eye.The British Museum is very famous in the world. There are more than 6 million objects in it. 超过 6 百万This is the Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫). It is a palace where the Queen lives and works.More than 50,000 people visit the palace each year. This is the Hyde Park. It is the largest park in London.The Hyde Park is the most famous park in London. It is a beautiful park.This is the London Streets. You can see many old buildings here. Many people go there and do some shopping.London StreetBuckingham PalaceLondon StreetHyde Park2. What’s your favourite place in UK? Why?Ask and answer:My favourite place is…. Because it is ….(beautiful, old , famous, popular, the largest…)1. What’s the capital of UK? London is the capital of UK.

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