
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B(1a-1e)课件

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:51次 大小:5008848Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件31张PPT。Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B (1a--1e)1)The movie is _____ (education). 2)Do you _____ the _____ movie (enjoy)? 3)The movie is _____ (meaning), I don't like it. 4)The boy often _____ at the park. It's a _____ place to go.(relax) 5)We are all _____ about the _____ movie.(excite)educationalenjoyenjoyablemeaninglessrelaxesrelaxingexcitedexcitingSurvey: Do you like watching movies? Do you know the kinds of movies? Which kind do you like best? Why ?The kinds of the movies:action movie动作片comedy喜剧cartoonScary movie恐怖片war movie 战争片Beijing opera 京剧1.My brother and I both like . 2.My little brother likes to watch very much. 3.I don't mind the . 4.The is too boring.I can't stand it. 5.I am afraid of watching .action moviescartoonsnewstalk showscary movieseducationalseriousLead inrelaxingwonderfulmeaninglessenjoyableexcitingboring1a What do you think of these TV shows and movies? Choose words from the box and write them under the pictures.educational serious wonderful relaxing meaningless enjoyable exciting boringtalk show _____soap opera _____sports show ———News _____game show _____exciting serious educational enjoyable boringtalent show _____comedy _____action movie ———scary movie _____cartoon _____ relaxingenjoyable educational exciting meaningless I don’t like them. Because they’re boring.I like them. Because they’re interesting. What do you think of game shows? Why?What do you think of news? Why?I don’t mind them. They’re educational. I can’t stand it. Because they’re too serious. comedy n. 喜剧片It’s meaningless. (adj. 毫无意义的)I think cartoons are enjoyable. 我认为动画片很有意思.1b Listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a.educational serious wonderful relaxing meaningless enjoyable exciting boring1c Listen again. Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV shows or movies.excitingmeaninglessmeaninglessrelaxingrelaxingenjoyableboringboringwonderfulDo you want to go to a movie?Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie.What kind of movies do you like?I like action movies.1c PairworkWhy do you like action movies?Because I think they are exciting.Who is your favorite actor?My favorite actor is Jet LI.Which movie do you like best?I like Shaolin temple best. It's a successful action movie.1d Tell your partner what John and Mary like to watch and why. Then tell your partner what you like to watch and why.John wants to watch talk shows because they’re enjoyable. Ilike to watch action movies because they’re exciting. 一、翻译 1. 你喜欢什么样的电影? 喜剧。 What ____ of _____ do you like? I like comedies. 2. 他不喜欢京剧, 因为京剧太没意思了。 He _____ like Beijing Opera, because ___ is very _____. kindmovies doesn’t boringit3. 他是我最喜欢的演员, 我认为他很 出色。 He is my _____ actor. I _____ he is _____. 4. 她认为喜剧很有趣, 所以经常和朋友 去看喜剧。 She _____ comedies are very _____, so she _____ _____ to see comedies _____ her friends.favoriteth ... ...

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