
小学英语绘本阅读 The Fox and The Stork. PDF文档+音频

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:20次 大小:12120841Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    USBORNE FIRST READING FoX and the Stork S 取 Retold by Mairi Mackinnon Ilustrgtahred fox and Stork Based on a story by Aesop Retold b Mairi mackinnon IlL ustrated by Rocio martinez Reading Consultant: Alison Kelly Roehampton Universit Scanned by cam Scanner Fox and Stork were friends, but Fox loved playing tricks Scanned by cam Scar One day, he had an idea He asked Stork to dinner 5 Scanned by cam Scar Stork was very hungry 7 Scanned by cam Scar F oX poured soup into wide bowls Scanned by cam Scar Poor Stork She couldnt eat a thing Scanned by cam Scar Don't you like it sad上oX I'll eat it then Scanned by cam Scar The next dau. Stork asked Fox to dinner. P Scanned by cam Scar Stork poured soup Into tall jars 6 Scanned by cam Scar Poor Fox! He couldn t eat a thing. Scanned by cam Scar But Stork said You tricked me first 21 a a a Aldous be kind D UOUT friends, said Stork, and they will be kind to uou 23 Scanned by cam Scar PUZZLES Puzzle 1 Help Fox spot the diffe erences i There are eight to find 25 Scanned by cam Scar

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