
Unit 6 Birthdays Lesson 2 课件+教案+素材+练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:60236005Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    ==================资料简介====================== _【教学课件】Unit 6 Lesson 2(人教新起点):24张PPT Unit 6 Birthdays Lesson2同步练习 1.birthhday 2.September 3.June 4.November 5.May 6.July 7.March 8.first January—Jan. 1.February— 2.March— 3.April— 4.August— ================================================ 压缩包内容: 12 months of the year.avi birthday.swf first.swf Happy birthday to you .flv Months.flv Song--When is your birthday.flv When is your birthday.avi When is your birthday1.flv When is your birthday2.flv _【同步练习】Unit 6 Lesson 2(人教新起点).doc _【教学设计】Unit 6 Lesson 2(人教新起点).doc _【教学课件】Unit 6 Lesson 2(人教新起点).ppt 【素材】Unit 6 Lesson 2 动画 U6CHANT(人教新起点).swf 【素材】Unit 6 Lesson 2 动画 U6SING(人教新起点).swf 【素材】Unit 6 Lesson 2 视频 numbers(人教新起点).mp4 【素材】Unit 6 Lesson 2 音频 Birthday(人教新起点).mp3 【素材】Unit 6 Lesson 2 音频 first(人教新起点).mp3 【素材】Unit 6 Lesson 2 音频 Look listen and repeat 01(人教新起点).mp3 【素材】Unit 6 Lesson 2 音频 Look listen and repeat 02(人教新起点).mp3 【素材】Unit 6 Lesson 2 音频 Look listen and repeat 03(人教新起点).mp3

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