
通城县中小学2017—2018学年度第一学期期末考试 六年级语文试卷(无答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:语文 类型:小学试卷 查看:18次 大小:55808Byte 来源:二一课件通
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How to write an informing letter containing the Chinese traditional culture element Part 1.Read the letter written by LiuLing, telling her friend something about a Chinese gift. Dear Susan, How are you getting along these days? As your birthday is drawing near , I’ve prepared a gift for you. It’s a Chinese silk fan with some peonies, our national flower. Now I'm writing to inform you of the reasons why I chose it as your birthday present . For one thing, I know you are fond of Chinese traditional culture and that you are keen on Chinese peonies in particular. For another, the fan is not only a tool to cool yourself, but also a fine artistic work to decorate your house. Hanging it on the wall of your study , you will find your room more delicate and elegant. What’s more, peony, with its vivid color and unique fragrance, is always regarded as a symbol of dignity and elegance. Last but not least, peony is an auspicious flower in Chinese culture, which carries many best wishes, such as peace, health, fortune and happiness. I sincerely hope that you will like the gift and wish you a happy birthday and prosperous life. Yours, LiuLing. I. Read the passage quickly and find out the structure and then fill in the blanks. structure Para. 1_____of writing Now I'm writing to inform you of the reasons… Reason 1 For one thing… Reason 2 For another… Para.2_____for choosing the gift Reason 3 What’s more… Reason 4 Last but not least… Para.3 Expectation I sincerely hope that… II. Accumulate some useful words and expressions. Words (translate these words and try to remember them.) auspicious_____ 2. delicate_____ elegant _____ 4. prosperous _____ Phrases:(find the phrases in the passage and accumulate them) 1._____临近,接近 2._____告知某人某事 3._____ _____ 喜欢, 热衷于 4._____特别地 5._____ 不仅……而且 6._____精致的艺术品 7._____被看作 8._____尊贵高雅的象征 9._____载着许多美好的祝愿 Part 2 Write a passage according to the following requirements. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友David生日将至,你亲手制作了一些中国结作为生日礼物寄送给他。请你写一封信,告知他你送这个礼物给他的理由。 注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.?参考词汇:中国结 Chinese knot Dear …, Para.1 ① .(问候)② (为何准备礼物) ③ . (准备了什么样的礼物)④ Now I’m writing .(目的) Para.2. For one thing… (理由1) For another… (理由2)What’s more… (理由3)Last but not least,… .(理由4) I sincerely hope that… (希望与祝福 ) Yours, LiHua Part 3Evaluate your composition in groups according to the following criteria. 1.It includes all the points. 2.The writer uses the given useful words and expressions and some linking words 3.The writer uses various sentence patterns. 4.It reads persuasive ,convincing and smooth. 5.The handwriting is beautiful.

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