
科普版四年级英语下册 知识点总结

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:70次 大小:13292Byte 来源:二一课件通
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科普版四年级英语下册 知识点总结 知识点归纳总结 四年级下册各课复习重点词汇: 1课:词语: new新的, way路,they他们的,behind在···之后,table桌子 句型:Are you inGrade/Class Four??? Yes,we are/No,we aren′t. ????? What grade/class are you/they in??? We/They are in Grade/ClassFour. 2课:词语:from来自,about关于,大约,teacher教师,school学校,son儿子,their他们的,eleven十一,only仅仅,只,love爱,family家庭 句型:Are you/they fromAmerica??????? Yes, I am. /NO, I′m from England. China中国Japan日本Canada加拿大 3课:词语:think想,考虑,dance跳舞,fish鱼,鱼肉 句型:Where are you/theyfrom??? We are from Beijing.????? ????? Where is she/he from??????? She/He is from Yunnan. ????? Wecome to our school.欢迎来到我们学校。 ????? How beautiful her dress is !她的裙子真漂亮啊! ????? What are you good at??? I′m? goodat singing. ????? I like climbing trees. ????? Let′s? singand play together. 4课:词语:these这些,those那些,shop商店,buy买,them他们(宾格) 句型:Are these/those+bees(复数名词)? Yes,they are. /No,they are not. 5课:词语:any一些,任何的,egg蛋,twelve十二,twenty二十, farm农场,farmer农民, 句型:Can you see anyeggs??? Yes,I can./No,I can′t.???????? ?How?many+birds(复数名词) can you see?I can see +数字。 ???? What can you see?? I can see some birds. 6课:词语: has? have的第三人称单数,every每一,所有的,well健康的,好,back向后,回,fast快速地,快,today今天,?one(1),tow(2)?,three(3),four(4),five(5),six(6),seven (7),?eight(8),?nine(9),ten(10),?eleven(11),twelve(12),thirteen(13),fourteen(14),?fifteen(15)?,sixteen(16),seventeen(17),?eighteen(18),nineteen(19)?,twenty(20)?not ···at all 一点也不 I′m not well today.我今天不舒服。 Petercounts the pigs again and again. Howare my pigs?我的猪怎么样了? 7课:词语:watch手表,观看,whose谁的 ,his他的very非常,很 much多,很,非常, mother母亲, for为了,sport运动,flower花, friend朋友,Chinese汉语,中国人,study学习 句型:Whose +watch ?is it/this/that??? It is?my watch. Whose+watches复数名词 are they/these/those? They are my watches. Isthis your watch?Yes,it is./No,it is not. Imiss you very much .我很想念你。 Fatherand I are very happy to be here.爸爸和我在这里很开心。 Theweather is very good in Beijing.北京的天气很好。 Hereare some photos for you.这些照片给你。 Lookat our big sports ground.看我们的大运动场。 Mum,howare you getting on with your work?妈妈,你的工作怎么样? 8课:词语:clothes衣服(复数),shoe鞋,skirt女裙,coat外套,上衣, ?apple苹果,banana香蕉, colour颜色,red红色的,brown棕色的,yellow黄色的,black黑色的blue蓝色的orange橘子,橘色的 句型:What colour is the/your/my hat(单数名词)? It is blue.(颜色) Whatcolour are the/your/my socks(复数名词)?? They are?yellow.颜色 9课:词语:free空闲的,自由的,Mondy星期一,stay停留,call打电话,father父亲,by the way顺便问一下 句型:Let′s go shopping,OK????? OK. This is Tom. Who′s?? that?我是Tom.你是谁?(用于打电话)???????? Are you free now??? 你现在有空吗? It is time for school/class.该上学(课)了。 I don′t want to go toschool today.我今天不想去上学。 10课 ... ...

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