
Module 3 Unit 7 Escaping from kidnappers Writing:on Mystery Island 课件(22张PPT)+教案+素材

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:45次 大小:14234873Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    9A Unit 7 Writing: On Mystery Island Follow-up exercises Exercise 1: A. Here are some bubbles (sound bubble, thought bubble and speech bubble). Write the correct name below each bubble. _____ 2._____ 3._____ B. Read the following sentences and match the correct sentences in frames of the comic strip. I want that meat. The meat must be delicious. After a while, the fox thought of a good idea. You look beautiful today. CAW! Your voice is more beautiful than any other birds. The crow had a piece of meat in her beak. Nobody ever admired me. _____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5. _____ 6._____ 7._____ 8._____ Exercise 2: Describe each picture of the comic strip in 1-2 sentences A wise blind man ?_____ Keys: Exercise 1: 1.thought bubble 2. sound bubble 3. speech bubble 1. G 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. F 7. H 8. E Exercise 2: Once?there lived?a?wise blind man. Though he could not see with his eyes, he was clever and skillful.When?he?went?for?a?walk at?night,?he?always?took?a?lit?candle?in?one?hand and his?walking?stick in?the other.?When?people?met?him,?they would let him pass first.However, they?could?not?know what he was doing. A?young?man?saw?the?candle?and?asked?him why he carried it.?He replied that the candle was prepared for careless people like the young man. Suddenly, all the people?admired?his?wisdom?even?more. (Any reasonable answer is OK) 使用建议: 若学生在写作中无法区分各种框图(说话框、思想框、音效框等),建议使用Exercise1 来进行巩固。 若学生在写作中出现不能用简洁扼要的语言表达框图内容,建议使用Exercise 2来帮助学生进行概括训练。 Module 3 Unit 7 Escaping from kidnappers Writing:on Mystery Island 教案 一、 教材分析: 连环漫画是一种人们喜闻乐见的读物,它以图画配以文字的方式让人们去理解一个故事。让图片承载大量的信息,更为直观有趣,这就是连环漫画吸引儿童的重要因素。在欣赏连环漫画的过程中,我们除了读文字,更重要的是去理解图片。本单元的reading部分是一篇有关绘制连环漫画的文章。文章主要介绍了创造连环漫画的过程、 注意事项及绘制方法,并且提供了连环漫画实例。与此同时对图片中的各类框图,如说话框、思想框、音效框等也进行了说明。本写作课就是在此基础上,将理论知识加以运用。让学生为连环漫画on Mystery Island 配文字。要求用简洁的文字突出图片的关键内容。同时,为连环漫画配文字的方式,也培养学生的观察力,想象力和表达能力。 二、 学情分析: 连环漫画是一种以图为主,配以文字,连续描述故事的的文学样式,具有图文并茂,通俗易懂,雅俗共赏的艺术特征,深受初中学生的喜爱。但用英语作为工具来阅读漫画在教材中还是第一次出现。尽管本单元的阅读、语法和听说部分,介绍了漫画的创作要求和绘制要求,学生也学会通过观察漫画中的人物情绪,了解整个漫画故事,但绝大部分学生并没有尝试过为连环漫画配文字。对于写什么,怎么写,它与一般的多副图片的看图作文又有何不同,存在较大的疑惑。 三、 教学目标: By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: ?describe each picture of comic strips correctly ? write the words into captions and bubbles in a clear and concise way ?develop the capacity for creative thinking 四、 教学重点: ?Write the words for comic strips in a clear and concise way 五、 学习难点: ... ...

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