
人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A2d&Grammar Focus课件(24张

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:21次 大小:1144521Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A2d&Grammar Focus 【语法:含有情态动词的被动语态】 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. We should be allowed to .. We must obey We shouldn’t be allowed to ... Rules Different places , different rules. Do you have a lot of rules at home or shool? What rules do you agree?What rules do you disagree? Revision Have you ever visited an art museum? Can you say some rules about what we should be / should not be allowed to do there? We should be allowed to… We shouldn’t be allowed to… Lead-in Wu Lan Sandy Sandy and Wu Lan are going to the school trip this year. Mr Smith Mr. Smith chose the art museum for their school trip. Let's read the conversation between them. Reading task Read 2d and answer the questions. 1. Does Mr. Smith allowed students to take photos? 2. How does Sandy feel about the trip? Why? 3. What does Sandy think they should be allowed to do in the museum? 4.How can we take photos in the art museum? No, he doesn’t. He says they must not take photos. It’s not allowed in the museum. Sandy’s really excited. Because Sandy will see the famous paintings by Picasso. Sandy thinks they should be allowed to take photos if they don’t use a flash. They can take photos without a flash(没有闪光的照片). Picasso and paintings 毕加索,西班牙画家、 雕塑家。法国共产党党员。 是现代艺术的创始人,西 方现代派绘画的主要代表。 代表作品:《斗牛士》, 《格尔尼卡》,《和平鸽》,《梦》,《亚威农少女》 1.找出含有情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词+(not) be+及物v-ed的句子。 Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don’t use a flash? I think we should be allowed to do that. It’s not allowed in the museum. Language points 【活学活用】 1) 如果你需要钱,我能借你一些。 2)如果他来的话,我也会来。 If you need money, I can lend you some. If he comes, I’ll come ,too . 【句型解析】此句是一个含有if 引导的条件状语从句。当从句在主句前时,用逗号将其与主句隔开。 if引导的条件状语从句的时态一般遵循以下原则:如果主句的谓语含有情态动词can, may , must等,或主句是祈使句时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时;如果主句是一般将来时,从句也用一般现在时代替将来时。 【活学活用】 1)他在这儿工作。至少我上次见他时是。 2)好了,我得走了,已经迟到了。 He works here. He did when I last saw him, anyway. Anyway, I have to go now. I'm already late. 【词汇解读】 anyway为副词,在此意为“无论如何;反正”,在句中充当状语,用于转换话题、结束谈话或回到原话题上,相当于anyhow. anyway还可表示“至少”,用于纠正说过的话。 Consolidation Fill in the blanks according to the conversation. Sandy’s really excited about seeing the famous paintings ___ Picasso. Wu Lan’s glad Mr. Smith chose the art museum for their school trip. Sandy is going to bring a new camera to _____. But taking photos _____ in the museum. Wu Lan thinks they just wants _____ the paintings. So it _____ to take photos if people don’t use a flash. take lots of photos is not allowed to protect by may be allowed Grammar Focus I don’t think sixtee ... ...

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