
Unit 7 Will people have robots?单元测试A卷(解析+答题卡)

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:24次 大小:1905237Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    【人教新目标(Go for it)版英语八年级(上)单元测试卷】 Unit 7 Will people have robots?(A卷) 班级:_____ 学号:_____ 姓名:_____ 得分:_____ 一、单选题(每小题1分,共20分) ( )1.There _____ a football match tomorrow afternoon. A.will have B.will be C.is going to have D.has ( )2.Nothing in the world is _____ if you put your mind to it. A.possible B.important C.impossible D.funny ( )3.-What is he doing now? -He's _____ his key, but he can't find it. A.looking at B.looking after C.looking up D.looking for ( )4.-Will people live to be 200 years old? -No, _____ . A.they aren't B.they won't C.they don't D.they can't ( )5.Children will study _____ home _____ computers. A.at; on B.in; on C.at;to D.on; with ( )6.- _____ will your brother be back from Shenzhen? -In two weeks. A.How long B.How soon C.How many times D.How often ( )7.—I think teenagers can drive. —_____. They aren't serious enough. A.I agree with you B.I think so C.I disagree with you D.That's right ( )8.Let's play a part _____ our classroom. A.clean B.to clean C.in cleaning D.cleaning ( )9.The boy is always honest(诚实的), so you can _____ what he said. A.doubt B.repeat C.miss D.believe ( )10.What will your life _____ tomorrow? A.1ike B.be like C.likes D.looks like ( )11.We have two _____ pens and _____ books. A.hundreds; hundreds of B.hundred; hundred of C.hundred; hundreds of D.hundreds; hundred of ( )12.My brother will be back from London _____ a month. A.for B.in C.at D.on ( )13.There _____ less water in 50 years. A.will be B.will have C.has D.was ( )14.Jim opened the door quietly because he didn't want to _____ the baby. A.wake up B.get up C.hurry up D.grow up ( )15.You can study _____ home _____ a computer _____ the future. A.on;at;at B.at;on;in C.in;at;in D.on;in;at ( )16.-Daming , will this kind of trees live _____ 1,000 years? -Yes,they _____ . A.to;are B.to be;are C.to;will D.to be;will ( )17.I think Qingdao will be better and there will be _____ people and _____ pollution. A.more; fewer B.fewer;less C.less ; less D.fewer;more ( )18.People _____ a bridge over the river next year. A.build B.built C.is building D.will build ( )19.I _____ he _____ tomorrow. A.don't think; will come B.think; won't come C.not think; will come D.think; don't come ( )20.He often helps his mother _____ the housework, but he never . A.with; get bored B.with; gets boring C.do; get bored D.with; gets bored 二、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分) Today some students get together to talk about the future. 21 will the future be like? The students make 22 about it. Listen to them: 23 New York keeps going the way it is, it will be more crowded and polluted, with worse air and more litter(垃圾). We need to 24 the protection of the environment, so we will have a good place to live. New Yorkers need to love their city. —Linda, aged 13 I think the future will be 25 . When your house is 26 , you just need to call your r ... ...

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