
Unit 7 Lesson 40 The UN—Power of Words 课件(27张PPT)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:1126211Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 7 · Lesson 40 The UN-Power of Words 1. Words or war--which do you think is more powerful 2. Do you know there is an international organization which tries to prevent war What’s its name I think words are more powerful. Its name is the UN. Warm up What does the UN mean the United Nations 联合国 New words The symbol of the UN New words headquarter (in America) 联合国总部 New words the Secretary-General 联合国秘书长 He is from Korea. New words the Security Council 联合国安全理事会 New words permanent members 联合国五大常任理事国 New words suffer 受苦,受难 New words forever 永远 永远的 permanent New words situation 状况,形式 New words Read the lesson and answer the questions: 1. When was the UN founded 2. How many member states are there in the UN 3. What’s in New York City 4. How many members are there in the UN Security Council 5. What are the permanent members In 1945. 193. The headquarters of the UN. 15. China, France, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S. Presentation suffer“患有(疾病等);经受” suffer from ...“受(某种病痛)折磨;因……而受苦”。 I am suffering from a cold. 我正在遭受感冒之苦。 We suffered from a serious flood last year. 上个月我们们遭受一场大水灾。 Language points satisfy与satisfied的区别: satisfy用作动词时,“使满意;使满足”,后面可以跟某人作宾语,也可以跟表示“要求;需要”的名词作宾语。 satisfied用作形容词时,“感到满意的;满足的”,be satisfied with,“对……感到满意”,其宾语可以是人,也可以是物。 Don’t try to satisfy everybody. In fact, it’s hard to do it. 不要试图使每个人都满意。事实上,那样做是很难的。 The teacher was satisfied with Lily / Lily’s answer. 老师对莉莉/莉莉的答案很满意。 Language points through“在整个……期间;从头至尾”。 She studied her project through all night. 她研究了一整夜她的课题研究。 I will read through the book. 我要把这本书从头至尾看一遍。 Language points of which / whom常用some, any, many, few, most, all, either, neither, none或基数词连用,of表部分关系,含义为“其中…..”。以上不定代词或基数词也可以置于of which / whom之后。 I have many friends, of whom none is a businessman. 我有许多朋友,其中没有一个是商人。 I live in a house, the windows of which face south. 我住在一所窗户朝南的房子里。 Language points It is not always easy for the members to reach an agreement. 成员们达成协议不总是容易的。 It是形式主语,真正主语是带逻辑主语的动词不定式for the members to reach an agreement。不定式的逻辑主语由for引,与前面作表语的形容词有关。 如果前面是表示人的品格的形容词,如kind, clever, foolish, careful, nice等作表语,则用of 引出动词不定式的逻辑主语。 It is kind of you to help me with my English. = You are kind to help me with my English. 你帮我学英语太好了。 Language points that引导hope的宾语从句,从句的谓语是will last。they had in 1945和to prevent war都是idea的定语,前者是省略了that的宾语从句,后者是动词不定式。表示“……理念(思想)”,还可用of 短语作定语。 Does he understand the main idea of what I said 他明白我说话的主要意思吗? ... ...

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