
Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 2 I can dance and play the guitar Section C 课件 共35张PPT

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中视频 查看:14次 大小:69556133Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Section Topic 2 Can you sing an English song? Unit 7 The Birthday Party C 课前复习 课文学习 字词学习 课堂练习 家庭作业 课前复习 一分钟可以做哪些事情? 医生可以抢救一条生命 交警可以避免一场车祸 我们可以背会一个词语 Make right sentences as quickly as possible! ...can..., but can't... can can't Ben play basketball play soccer Bill ride a bike drive a car Joan dance to disco perform ballet Jenny speak English speak Japanese Bob sing an English song sing a Chinese song ... 距离结束还有 秒 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 造句比赛计时系统 can can't Ben play basketball play soccer Bill ride a bike drive a car Joan dance to disco perform ballet Jenny speak English speak Japanese Bob sing an English song sing a Chinese song ... 时间到! 单击即开始 She can walk now. three weeks ago She couldn't walk three weeks ago. The baby couldn't walk three weeks ago, but now she can. ago [e?d?] adv. 以前 six years old She can skate very well now. She could skate just a little when she was six years old. seven years old James could play basketball a little when he was seven. But now he can play it very well. outdoor activity ball games phrases have a good time look like It looks like a star. 课文部分 Read and understand.Check (√) the outdoor activities you can do and tiy to add more. fly a kite perform ballet play ping-pong ride a bike play basketball go fishing It's flme for outdoor activities. Look! Jane Is flying a kite. The kite is flying so high. She can fly kites very well now. But one year ago, she couldn't do it at all. Maria Is performing ballet. She can perform ballet very well now. But when she was five, she could dance just a little. Michael and Kangkang are playing ping-pong. They couldn't do it before, but now they can play ping-pong a little. They both like playing ball games. The children are all having a good time. It's time for outdoor activities. it's time for + 活动、事情; it's time to + 动词原形,都可以表示“是该干什么什么的时间了”,如:It's time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。可替换为It's time to have lunch. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Look!The boy_____ (read) books. 2. Listen! They_____ _____(sing)a song. Look! Jane is flying a kite. The kite is flying so high. 这和句子中的 look 是一个使用现在进行时的强烈暗示, 考试的时候还会用 listen 来提醒你,得用 be doing ! 如: She can fly kites very well now.这句话说两个地方:1)放风筝的汉语:fly kites,fly a kite2)well 副词“好”,来修饰动词 fly ,能很好地放风筝。 But one year ago, she couldn't do it at all. 一年前的事情,要用过去时 can 有过去式--could,表示否定的时候用couldn't 。 But when she was five, she could dance just a little. when she was five 暗示后句用 could ; just a little 一点儿,just = only。 注意,已经开始接触复合句,就是句中有句, 此时句子和句子之间要使用连词, 本句中划线部分就是个时间状语从句,when就是个连词。 They couldn't do it before, but now they can play ... ...

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