
Unit 4 What can you do? C Story time 同步课件+练习 (共11张PPT)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:82次 大小:7316008Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    杭州慕联教育科技有限公司(www.moocun.com) 人教版英语五上Unit 4.7 C Story time 一、读一读,根据课文内容排序。 A. The rat says she can sing and dance for the snake. B. The snake throws the rat into the lake. C. The snake meets the rat and wants to eat it. D. The rat lies (说谎) he can’t swim. E. The rat swim away. 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____4. _____5. _____ 6. Let me see. What can you _____? A. doing B. do C. did D. does 7. I can sing songs _____ you. A. at B. on C. in D. for 8. Let me _____. I can dance. A. go B. going C. to go D. goes 9. -Hurry up. It’s time to go to school. -_____ A. Let’s go home. B. I can dance. C. I’m late. D. Wait a minute. 10. Don’t _____ me into the lake. A. throw B. throws C. thirsty D. think 答案解析: 1-5. C A D B E 解析:故事的顺序是1. 蛇遇到了老鼠并且想吃掉它。2. 老鼠说她能为蛇唱歌跳舞。3. 老鼠撒谎说自己不能游泳。4. 蛇把她扔进了湖里。5. 老鼠游走了。 6. B 解析:你能做什么是What can you do。 7. D 解析:为你唱歌是for you。 8. A 解析:Let me是祈使句,后面加动词原形,让我走吧。 9. D 解析:前面在催该去上学了,回答等一等较符合。 10. A 解析:扔是throw,并且don’t后面加动词原形,所以选A。(课件网) Unit 4 What can you do? 课程编号:TS2004010103R51040701YXY 授课老师:Iris 人教版英语 【慕联教育同步课程】 Let’s check Story time Review C Story time play basketball play ping-pong John Zhang Peng Let’s check Listen and tick or cross Zhang Peng and John can _____ together. play ping-pong John: I can play basketball. Can you, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: No, I can’t. John: What can you do? Zhang Peng: I can play ping-pong. Can you? John: Yes, of course. Let’s play ping-pong together. Zhang Peng: Great! =Can you play basketball? 当然啦 一起 Story time What's the snake like? What's the rat like? It's _____. It's _____. I’m hungry. Mmm… Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat. Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you. Story time What's the snake like? What's the rat like? It's _____. It's _____. Yes, I can. Oh! What can you do? Can you sing? Can you dance? Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can dance for you. Story time What's the snake like? What's the rat like? It's _____. It's _____. Let me see. There is a lake near here. Can you swim? No! Don’t throw me into the lake, please! Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye! silly clever Story time Can the rat swim? Yes, it can. Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye! What can the rat do? It can sing. It can dance. It can swim. Snake: I’m hungry. Mmm… Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat. Rat: Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you. Snake: Oh! What can you do? Can you sing? Rat: Yes, I can. 重点课文 好吃的食物来了。 等一等 为你做事 Snake: Can you dance? Rat: Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can dance for you. Snake: Let me see. There is a lake near here. Can you swim? Rat: No! Don’t throw me into the lake, please! Rat: Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye! 重点课文 放我走吧 为你跳舞 附近有一个 ... ...

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