
人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 4 Natural disasters课件(5份打包)

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:26次 大小:12255744Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking, Reading and Thinking 课前自主预习 课内要点探究 随堂达标验收 夯基提能作业 课前自主预习 Ⅰ.重点单词 1._____n.灾难;灾害 2._____n.旱灾;久旱 3._____vi.& vt.(使)滑行;滑动 4._____n.洪水;大量 vi.淹没;大量涌入 vt.使灌满水;淹没 →_____adj.洪水泛滥的 5._____n.& vt.营救;救援 6._____vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失 7._____vt.摧毁;毁灭 disaster  drought  slide  flood  flooded  rescue  damage  destroy  8._____n.死;死亡 9._____vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动 10._____n.避难处;居所;庇护 vt.保护;掩藏 vi.躲避(风雨或危险) 11._____n.& vt.破坏;毁坏 12._____n.百分之…… adj.& adv.每一百中 →_____n.百分率;百分比 13._____n.砖;砖块 death  affect  shelter  ruin  percent  percentage  brick  14._____n.金属 →_____n.模特;模范;榜样 →_____n.奖章;勋章;纪念章 →_____n.新闻媒体;传媒 15._____n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt.(使)震惊 →_____adj.感到震惊的 →_____adj.令人震惊的 metal  model  medal  media  shock  shocked  shocking  16._____n.电;电能 →_____adj.电动的,用电的 →_____adj.与(用)电有关的;电气科学的 →_____adj.电子的 17._____vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套 n.险境;陷阱 18._____vt.埋葬;安葬 19._____vi.& vt.呼吸 →_____n.呼吸;气息 →_____adj.气喘吁吁的;呼吸急促的 →_____adv.气喘吁吁地;上气不接下气地 electricity  electric  electrical  electronic  trap  bury  breathe  breath  breathless  breathlessly  20._____n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力 →_____adj.不需费力的 21._____n.智慧;才智 →_____adj.有智慧的;英明的;明智的 →_____adv.明智地;精明地 22._____n.上下文;语境;背景 23._____vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦 →_____n.疼痛;痛苦;苦难;折磨 effort  effortless  wisdom  wise  wisely  context  suffer  suffering  Ⅱ.重点短语 1.write _____写下;记下 2.refer _____指的是;参考 3.think _____考虑 4.set _____搭起;建立 5._____ least至少 6._____ usual像往常一样 7._____ if似乎;好像;仿佛  down   to   about  up  at  as  as  8.come to _____ end结束;终结 9._____ ruins严重受损;破败不堪 10._____ number of ……的数目 11.nothing _____除……以外什么也不;只有;只不过 12.tens _____ thousands of数以万计的 13._____ shock震惊;吃惊 14.dig _____掘出;发现 15.look _____抬头看,查阅 16.suffer _____...患……疾病;受……之苦    an  in  the     but    of  in    out    up     from  Ⅲ.重点句型 1.Chickens and even pigs were _____ nervous _____ eat,and dogs refused to go inside buildings. 鸡甚至猪都紧张得不敢吃食,狗也拒绝进入建筑物中。 2.It seemed _____ the world were _____! 世界末日似乎到了! too  to  as if  coming to an end  3.Thousands of children _____ without parents. 成千上万个孩子变成了孤儿。 4._____ people _____ were killed or badly injured in the quake was more than 400,000. 地震中死亡和重伤的人数超过40万。 were left  The number of  who  Ⅳ.课文预读 Read the text (P50) and choose the best answers. 1.All the following un ... ...

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