
Unit 5 This is my family 第2课时基于自然拼读的课件+教案+素材(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:84次 大小:127769609Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) (湘少版)三年级上册 Unit 5 Unit 5 This is my family. 2 The ABC Song Let's Sing Magic eyes my father my mother my brother my family my sister this is Magic eyes NnNnNn,nnn, nose,nose,nnn. OoOoOo,ooo, orange,orange,ooo. PpPpPp,ppp, pen,pen,ppp. MmMmMm,mmm, milk,milk,mmm. LlLlLl,lll, lemon,lemon,lll. Jenny Jimmy Let's Read 1.Listen and guess: Who are they? Who's he(他)? Read carefully: She's Jenny. She's Tim's sister. He's Jimmy. He's Tim's brother. Who's she(她)? Let's Dub This is my brother, Jimmy. Hello, Jimmy. This is my sister,Jenny. Nice to meet you. This is Dino. Hi, Dino. Let's act Find ABC in life. Q像椭圆的棒棒糖,右下一点勿忘记 q 是向左飘扬的小旗子 Qq R像P要倒下,找根短棍支撑它。 小r写的像根草,才吐两片嫩嫩芽。 Rr P S像长蛇在爬行, 小蛇也学大蛇走,长短高低要分清。 Ss 小写t的像鱼钩,大写的T像铁锚。 Tt Letter names Letter names Letter sounds What does q say? What does r say? What does s say? What does t say? Qq queen Let's read and chant Qq,Qq,Qq, q,q,q, queen,queen, q,q,q. Rr rice Let's read and chant Rr,Rr,Rr, r,r,r, rice,rice, r,r,r. Ss sing Ss,Ss,Ss, s,s,s, sing,sing, s,s,s. Let's read and chant Tt tea Tt,Tt,Tt, t,t,t, tea,tea, t,t,t. Let's read and chant Let's chant Let's chant(配动作释动词意思) What we see, Is A, B, C, D. What we read, Is M, N, O, P. What we write, Is Q, R, S, T. >>Presentation F a m i l y father and mother I love you Homework 1.Listen and repeat. 听课文跟读。 2.Act out Part D . 表演课文D部分。 3.Act and chant. 配动作唱字母歌谣。 Homework Say goodbye Thank you The 3rd Period Writing the letters Let's sing Q像椭圆的棒棒糖,右下一点勿忘记 q 是向左飘扬的小旗子 /kju:/ R像P要倒下,找根短棍支撑它。 小r写的像根草,才吐两片嫩嫩芽。 /a:/ S像长蛇在爬行, 小蛇也学大蛇走,长短高低要分清。 /es/ 小写t的像鱼钩,大写的T像铁锚。 /ti:/ 每个字母都应稍向右倾斜,约为5°,斜度要一致。 上练习本电子教案 (NO 14 ) 科目 英语 年级 三 班级 时间 年 月 日 课题 Unit 5 This is my family. 节次 Period 2 教学目标(含知识传授、 能力培养、思想教育目标) 能听懂对话,会用This is my...说家庭成员的名称。 能听懂、会读、并表演课文D部分的小故事。 掌握字母Qq、Rr、SS、Tt的字母名和字母音。 在活动中巩固新单词句型,培养学习兴趣。 教材分析(含重点、 难点、关键点) 重点:会说新单词my、father、mother、brother、sister、who、this 能用Who’s this?问别人,能用This is my……回答,介绍家庭成员 教法学法 全身反应法、自然拼读法 教具学具 单词卡、PPT、视频 教学过程设计(含作业安排、板书设计) Step 1 Warming up and revision Greetings. 2.Listen to a song: The ABC Song. 3.Watch a video: Finger Family Magic eyes. Step 2 Let’s read. Listen and answer: Who are they? 2.Read carefully and answer: Who's he/she? 3.Let’s dub. 4.Let’s act. Step 3 Learn the letters 1.Find Qq、Rr、SS、Tt in life. 2.Learn the letter names of Qq、Rr、SS、Tt. 3.Learn the letter sounds of Qq、Rr、SS、Tt.(带动作) 4.Let's read and chant.(Part E) Step 4 Let’s chant(Part F) Step 5 Homework 1.Listen and repeat. 2.Act out Part D . 3.Act and cha ... ...

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