(课件网) Unit 2 The United Kingdom Warming up Work in pairs. Do this quiz and find out how much you know about the United Kingdom. 1.Which is the national flag of the UK? A. B. C. The Union Jack (英国国旗) England Union Jack Ireland Scotland The Union Jack flag unites the flag of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why? You will find the answer in our reading text!!!! 2.Which is the national flower of the UK? B. oriental cherry Rose C. Maple 英国人以为玫瑰是爱情、和平、友谊、勇气和献身精神的化身。 ? 在英国及欧美很多国家,都把攻瑰(月季)定为国花,以表示亲爱,又因茎上有刺,表示严厉。基督教中,相传耶稣被出卖后,被钉在十字架上,鲜血滴在土壤中,十字架下便生长出玫瑰花。 ??? 红玫瑰象征了爱情,这可能是世界通用的花语。相传爱神为了救她的情人,跑得太匆忙,玫瑰的刺划破了她的手脚,鲜血染红了玫瑰花,红玫瑰也因此成了爱情的信物。 加拿大的国花是糖槭树花(即糖枫)(sugar maple) ?? 加拿大有“枫树之国”的称号。在国旗中央,绘着巨大的红艳艳的枫叶。日常生活里枫叶图案随处可见。人们以象征火红、热烈、赤诚的枫叶为骄傲。糖枫是一种高大落叶乔木。高达40米,径40~100cm,树龄可达500年。树干中含大量淀粉,冬天成为蔗糖。天暖蔗糖变成香甜的树液。如在树上钻孔,树液便源源流出。树汁熬制成的糖叫枫糖或槭糖。 3.Which is the national animal of the UK? B. Beaver (海狸) C. Redbreast(知更鸟) Bald eagle(秃鹰) 4.Which is the bank note of the UK ? A. U.S. Dollar $ B. Euros ? C. Pounds ? 5. How many countries does the UK consist of? A. two B. three C. four England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland the UK = + + + the United Kingdom consists of Can you name the capital cities of the countries of the UK? ENGLAND London Edinburgh(爱丁堡) SCOTLAND Cardiff(卡迪夫) Wales Belfast(贝尔法斯特) Northern Ireland 6. Who rules the UK: the Prime Minister or the Queen? A. The Queen B. the Prime Minister 7. what are the provinces called in England? A. counties B. departments C. states 郡(最大的地方行政区) 8. Which is the longest river in England? A. The River Avon B. The River Thames C. The River Severn Assignment Read the whole text aloud until you can read it fluently and meanwhile find out some words, expressions and sentence structures that seem difficult to you.