
Unit1 I go to school at 8:00(Lesson3) 表格式教案

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:60次 大小:61952Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 时 教 学 预 设 课 题 Lesson 3 课 时 1 授课类型 新授课 课程目标 知识 目标 1. To learn the new phrases: cook breakfast, teach English, take a walk, read stories 2. Answer the questions according to the text. 能力 目标 1. To develop the ability of comprehension. 2. To master the new text and write a new e-mail. 情感 目标 1. 对学生进行良好行为习惯的养成教育; 2. 对学生进行文明礼貌的教育; 课时重、 难点 1.掌握课文中的语言点,并能灵活运用; 2. 用英语写邮件的方式,表达自己的思想感情; 教 学 准 备 教师 PPT课件 学生 教学 过程 包括导入、新授内容、巩固拓展、课后小结等环节预设 一备 二备 教学 环节 活动预设 设计 意图 自主完善 教师活动 学生活动 Revision Presentation Practice Homework Step 1. Organizing the class. Step 2. Reviewing the previous lessons. 6:30 am get up 7:00 am have breakfast 7:30 am go to school 12:00 am have lunch 4:50 pm go home 6:00 pm have dinner 8:00 pm watch TV 8:30 pm go to bed Step 3. Learning the new lesson: Look at the PPT, learn new phrases and sentences: cook breakfast She cooks breakfast. teach English She teaches English. take a walk She takes a walk. read stories She reads stories . Step 4. T: Next we抣l read an email from Li Yan. What is Li Yan talking about in her email? A. T: Read the text and answer the questions. (1) What抯 Li Yan抯 mother? (2) When does she get up every morning? (3) What time does she go to school? (4) How do her students learn English? (5) How do they like her lessons? (6) What time does she go home? (7) When does she often take a walk? B. Do the exercise. Step 4. Assigning today抯 homework: Copy and recite the phrases. 通过复习有关工作生活情况的短语,为新课的学习扫清了障碍,做了较好的铺垫。 用PPT课件学习重点内容,激发学生的学习兴趣。 提高兴趣;巩固本课重点内容,使学生进一步理解掌握本课知识。 板书 设 计 Lesson Three cook breakfast She cooks breakfast. teach English She teaches English. take a walk She takes a walk. read stories She reads stories . 学案预设 课堂反馈 (分为巩固性、渐进性、拓展性练习设计) 1. I’m happy _____ (get) your e-mail. 2. My family _____ (live) in Tianjin. 3. She _____ (go) home at 5:30 in the afternoon. 4. _____ she often _____ (take) a walk after dinner? 5. Her students often learn English singing,chanting…. 课外延伸 (分层作业设计) Write an email in English. 课后 反思

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