
Unit 2 Culture shock Period 4 Speaking & writing(课件37张PPT+教案+导学案)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:73次 大小:88921894Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳九下Unit 2 Culture shock Speaking & writing导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 牛津深圳九下Unit 2 Culture shock Speaking & writing 学习目标与核心素养 学习描述事物之间异同点的句型;能够思考并用英语表达对事物异同点的描述;学习如何写一篇感谢信;能够利用所学句型写一篇感谢信;能够通过英语书信表达对他人的感谢。 学习重点 能够思考并用英语表达对事物异同点的描述;能够利用所学句型写一篇感谢信; 学习难点 能够通过英语书信表达对他人的感谢。 【预习案】 1、 阅读教材26页Talk time部分的对话,了解如何描述事物的异同。 2、 阅读教材27页Speak up部分的内容,了解海报的信息。 3、 阅读教材28页Writing部分的内容,了解感谢信的基本框架。 【列出我的疑惑】 【探究案】 探究点一: 1、 回顾本单元的单词、词组及语法,完成问题。 1. You must speak louder ____ that you can be heard by all. 2. Say it louder that everyone ____ hear you. 3. I ____ up early so that I could catch the first bus. 4. We'll sit nearer the front ____ we can hear better. 5. I get up early in _____ to catch the early bus. 2、 完成句子。 1. 我们的校长边谈边笑。 Our headmaster laughed ____ she spoke. 2. 由于外面声音嘈杂我睡不着。 I can’t get to sleep _____ of the noise outside. 3. 如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。 ___ you fail in the exam, you will let him down. 4. 她虽然不用功学习,考试却及格了。 She passed the examination _____ she had not studied very hard. 5. 人类的出现比人们所想的要早。 Man developed earlier ____ people think. 6. 天气寒冷, 河水都结冰了。 It was very cold, _____ the river froze. 3、 看视频,了解中西方不同方面的差异。 探究点二: 1、 朗读第26页A1部分的对话,了解如何在对话中描述事物之间的异同点。 2、 Language points: 描述相同点的句型: sth. be similar to sth. sth. be the same as sth. The similarity is … The similarities between A and B are … 描述不同点的句型: sth. be different from sth. The difference is … The differences between A and B are … 3、 随堂活动1:讨论中西方文化的异同点。 4、 随堂活动2:讨论教材27页所给海报的信息,进行口语练习。 探究点三: 1、 阅读教材第28页的表格。 2、 Language points. How to write a thank-you email? Step1: _____ Step2: _____ Step3: _____ Step4: _____ Step5: _____ 3、 随堂活动,根据A部分的概要写一篇感谢信。 【我的知识网络图】 【训练案】 一、单项选择。 ( )1. He goes to the Music Club ____ to music everyday. A. to listen B. to listening C. listening ( )2. Why are you crying? Who ____ you sad? A.make B. made C. makes ( )3. John wants to ____ basketball, and he likes ____ basketball very much. A. playing;play B.playing;playing C. play;playing ( )4. This book is very ____. We all like it. A. interest B.interesting C. interested ( )5. ____ Millie and Simon go swimming together yesterday? A. Does B. Do C. Did 二、阅读理解。? Julia’s?father?Mr?Green?has?two?brothers?and?three?sisters.?Julia’s?mother?Mrs.?Green?has?two?brothers?and?two?sisters.?Julia?has?a?brother.?His?name?is?Ben.?Look!?Ben?is?on?the?sofa.?Julia?is?on?the?chair.?Ben?likes?(喜欢)?sports.?He?has?soccer?balls?and?volleyballs.?Julia?doesn’t?like?sports.?She?likes?reading ... ...

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