
2020-2021学年浙江台州市黄岩第二高中高一下学期复学考试英语试卷 Word版含答案(含听力音频及文字材料)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:35次 大小:20388200Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Field Day means New Year’s Day for young people in Sydney. Seen as the city’s original outdoor party, it’s a gathering of friends coming together for a great fun-filled first day of the year. There’s an air of hope and active energy on a perfect summer’s day. Envision Festival February 21 - 26, 2018, Uvita The Envision Festival is an annual event in Costa Rica that wants to provide a chance for different cultures to work with one another to create a better community. The festival encourages people to practise art, music and dance performances. At the same time, our connection with nature is expected to be strengthened. McDowell Mountain Music Festival March 2-4, 2018, Phoenix The McDowell Mountain Music Festival is Phoenix’s musical celebration of community culture. Since its founding in 2004, it is the only 100% nonprofit (非营利的) music festival designed to support, entertain and educate the community. The festival attracts thousands of visitors each year from around the country, and it is an opportunity to experience true culture.英语答案 听力1~5 CCBAB 6~10 BCBAB 11~15 AABCA 16~20 ACBCB 阅读21-23 ACD 24-26.B D B 27-30 CABC 31-35. BGDCF 完型36-40.BADCA 41-45.CADBD 46-50.AADBB 51-55.CABCA 语法词汇 56-60 CBABC 61-65 ACDBD 66-70 ABBCD 71.endangered72.where73.an74.that75.was being watched 76.laughter77.from78.its79.importance80.What 书面表达(略) 听力模拟试题1 Text 1 W: How do you want it, sir? M: I just want to have my hair cut short a bit. W: Would you like it to be washed or colored? M: No, thanks. Just leave it as it is. Text 2 W: Jim, It’s Father’s Day next Sunday. What shall we give our dad? M: Mmm, it’s difficult. A football? A basketball? But he’s got a few of those. W: We can give him something to wear. Let’s give him a sports T-shirt. Text 3 M: The tigers in the cages look unhappy. Maybe they are hungry. Let’s give them some food. W: I don’t think so. In fact, they are missing nature. They shouldn’t be kept in cages. Text 4 M: There is a jazz concert in the theater next Monday. I think you may be interested. W: Sounds great! I’m crazy about jazz. M: Don’t forget to buy a ticket at once, or there won’t be any tickets left. Text 5 M: I saw our friend Jim at the hospital this morning. I wonder if his mother is ill again. W: No, she is fine. He was there just to have a medical examination. Text 6 W: Tom, how is the new member of your basketball team? M: ⑥Well, I think he is a little unfriendly. W: That’s a pity! What’s the problem? M: He often laughs at me when I make small mistakes during the practice. That makes me upset. W: Why don’t you talk to him? M: I’ve tried, but it didn’t work. W: ⑦I suggest you should have another heart-to-heart talk with him. If it still doesn’t work, ask your coach for help. M: All right, Mom. Text 7 W: ⑧Brad,what about going to Hillcrest Orchards(果园) this weekend? M: Are the apples there ready to pick now? W: Yes. I’m sure we’ll have great fun there. ⑧You know th ... ...

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