

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:17次 大小:190464Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版英语(三年起点)五年级下册各模块知识点汇总 Module ?1 M 一、语音知识 ai ——— [e?] ——— rain, main, wait al?——— [?:] ———?walk, talk, tall ar?——— [e?] ———?farmer,?far,?park, party ay?——— [e?] ———?play,?may,?day, say au?——— [?:] ———?autumn,?August,?author ar?——— [??] ———?warm,?quarter,?war 二、词汇 still还,仍然 ? programme(电视或广播)节目 ? lady女士,夫人 ? life生活 ? different不同的 ? ago以前 ? interviewer采访者 ? enough足够的 ? television电视机 ? grandchildren(grandchild的复数形式)(外)孙子;(外)孙女 ? change改变,变化 ? night夜晚,夜间 ? work工作;劳动;干活儿 ? field田地 ? fire火,炉火 ? or(用于否定句中)也不,也没 ? radio收音机 ? telephone电话 ? couldn't = could not不能 ? write写 ? hope希望 三、短语 live in住在...... ? watch TV看电视 ? a small village一个小村庄 ? talk about谈论 ? in the fields在田地里 ? last night昨天晚上 ? every day每天 ? enough food足够的食物 ? lots of许多 ? a television programme一个电视节目 四、句子 1. There are two beautiful cats on the chair. 有两只漂亮的小猫在椅子上。 2. Life was very different in China many years ago. 在许多年前中国的生活对于现在有着很大的区别。 3. We lived in a small house. We didn’t have enough food. There weren’t many buses. There weren’t any televisions. 我们住在小房子了里。我们吃不饱。没有许多小汽车,也没有电视机。 4. China is changing. 中国正在改变。 5. He has got strong legs. He can jump really far. 他有强壮的腿,他能跳得很远。 6. She didn’t have a television or a radio. 她没有电视机和收音机。 五、句型结构 ① 描述某地从前有/没有某物 There was / were (not) ... eg: There was a wide bridge over the lake. 湖上之前有座很宽的桥。 There weren’t many tall buildings in the city. 城市里之前没有许多高大的建筑。 ② 描述某地现在有/没有某物 There is / are (not) ... eg: There are many cars and tall buildings in the city. 城市里现在有许多小汽车和高楼。 ??There aren’t many birds here. 这儿没有许多鸟了。 ③ 描述某人过去没有某物 主语 + didn't have + 其他. eg: My mother didn’t have any grey hairs. 我妈妈以前没有白头发。 ??My brother didn’t have a toy train. 我打到以前没有玩具小火车。 odule ?1 Module 2 一、语音知识 aw ——— [?:] ——— paw, saw, draw, law air ——— [e?] ——— hair, pair, chair ass ——— [ɑ?s] ——— class, pass 二、词汇 learnt?(learn的过去式)学习 ? taught(teach的过去式)教,讲授 ? language语言 ? wrote(write的过去式)写 ? dancer舞蹈演员 ? foreign外国的 ? studied(study的过去式)学习 ? hard努力地 三、短语 foreign languages外语 ? learn English学习英语 ? study hard努力学习 ? teach Chinese教语文 ? 四、句子 1. — Did your grandma learn any foreign languages??你奶奶学习一些外语了吗? ??— Yes, she learnt English.?是的,她学了英语。 2. He’s learning English now.?他正在学英语。 3. — Did she make a cake yesterday??昨天她做了蛋糕吗? ??— No, she didn’t.?不,她没有。 4. Twenty years ago, Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese.?二十年前,李先生是一名老师。他教语文。 5. Five years ago, he walked to school. Now he goes to school by school bus.?五 ... ...

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