
鲁教版 英语 七年级上册 Unit1 What does he look like?SectionA Period One 课件(共26张PPT)+音频

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:55次 大小:22865826Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 What does he look like? Section A Period One Be able to describe people’s looks Be able to use the alternative questions to ask people’s looks (选择问句) Be able to use adjectives about physical appearance What does she look like? She has_____. _____. _____. short hair straight hair black hair Learn to say She has _____ _____ _____ hair. short straight black What_____ she_____? She has_____. _____. _____. does look like short hair curly hair blonde hair She has _____ _____ _____ hair. short curly blonde _____? She_____. _____. _____. has long hair has straight hair has brown hair What does she look like She ___ ____ _____ _____ ____. has long straight brown hair Hair 头发 short hair long hair curly hair straight hair 描述头发 漂亮+长短+形状+颜色 常形颜 blonde hair 她有一头短的金黄色卷发。 She has short curly blonde hair. 一头乌黑靓丽 的长发 beautiful long black hair brown hair _____? He is_____. What does he look like tall short What do they look like? They are tall and of medium build. They are very cool. _____ ? He is_____. Is he tall tall. or of medium height _____? She is _____. Is she thin heavy or heavy she has _____. long curly black hair Does she have curly hair ? or straight hair has short /long hair. has big eyes. has straight/curly hair. has a big head. has a big nose. is tall. is short. is of medium height. is fat/heavy. is thin. is of medium build. He/She Guessing game: 游戏规则: 抽取一个学生名单,问同学What does he or she look like?(可以适当给予提示) 其他同学使用选择问句、一般疑问句、结合本节课所学的外貌描写的句 子来询问,最后判断出来所描述的同学。 short hair curly hair long hair tall short medium height thin heavy Is that your friend? What does he look like? Is he short or tall? No, it isn’t. Well, he’s really_____. And he has _____ ____. tall curly hair Listen and answer the questions. 1. Is David tall or short? _____ 2. Does Sally have long or short hair? _____ 3. Is Peter short or tall? _____ He is short. He is tall. She has long hair. 2a is has David heavy Sally Peter of medium height short long straight hair of medium build short hair Listen again. Fill in the chart. thin tall curly hair 2b David is_____. He’s_____. And he has _____. Sally is_____. She’s_____. And she has_____ ____. Peter is_____. He’s _____ _____. And he has_____. tall curly hair thin short heavy of medium short hair Retell the conversation.我是小主编. of medium height long straight hair build Task 1:小组活动--火眼金睛Sharp eyes. Mike和Tony相约看电影,但是Mike有事要晚去一会,要不认识的Tony和David先汇合,你能帮Tony这个忙吗? Mike: Hi,Tony. I may be a little late for the movie tonight? My friend David is going ,too. Just meet him in front of the cinema first. Tony: Oh, but I don’t know hi m. What ? Mike: Well, he is and has . Tony: or ? Mike: He isn’t or . He’s of . Tony: OK,sure. See you later then. Make conversations in pairs to talk about your teachers.(我爱我师) age, hai ... ...

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