
Unit 8 The seasons and the Weather>Topic 1 What’s the weather like in spring? Section D学案

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:64次 大小:5275Byte 来源:二一课件通
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七年级英语Unit8 Topic1 Section D教学案 福建漳州南靖县船场中学 编写:高金玉 班级_____姓名_____学号_____ 学习目标: 1.学习新单词:everything , come back to life , come out , heavily , harvest , busy , be busy doing sth , leaf , wind , strongly , New York , Sydney , report 2.复习构词法,一般现在时和一般过去时的用法。 3. 谈论温度,天气,季节并学写天气预报。 学习方法:自主学习, 合作交流, 综合探究 学习指导: 自主学习:(学习生词) Listen to the new words and repeat, then write down these words, check in pairs.(听单词录音并跟读,然后把这些词写下来,完成后同桌互相检查。全部写对而且字很整洁的请给他她画一个笑脸,错很多且字迹不工整的请画哭脸。) 收获_____ 强烈地_____ 报道_____ 悉尼_____ 纽约_____ 风_____ 叶子_____ 大量地_____ 每件事_____ 复活_____ 开放_____ 忙于做某事_____ 2.自主学习: ⑴ listen to 1a and answer the two questions. When does spring return in China _____ Does it often rain in fall _____ ⑵ Read 1a,find out the key words and finish the exercise in 1b. (读1a找出关键词完成1b,然后请几个学生来说出他们的答案) ⑶ Listen to 1a again and repeat. 3.交流展示: Read 1a again and translate the following phrases.( 读1a,然后翻译下 列短语和句子。完成后请学生到黑板上写答案。) get warm_____ 复活_____ turn green_____ 开放_____ come after_____ 忙于做某事_____ from…to…_____ 4. 自主学习: Listen to 3a , 3b and let students repeat. 5. 合作学习: ⑴学生分组总结与本话题有关的季节,天气,温度及相关活动的表 达。 ⑵ 让学生分组复习构词法,一般现在时和一般过去时的用法。 6.综合探究: 让学生根据2写一则天气预报。 当堂检测: 根据短文大意和首字母提示填空。 There are four s_____ in a year. They are s_____, s_____, f_____and w_____. In China ,the w_____ is _____in spring. In summer it’s very h_____ .The sun s_____brightly. Fall is a good season to climb h_____.It’s a h_____ season. Farmers are b_____ harvesting. And it’s c_____ in winter.The l_____ temperature is below zero. We must w_____ clothes. 学习反思:

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