
冀教版英语八年级上册Unit 8 Celebrating Me! 重难点知识归纳总结

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:38次 大小:21596Byte 来源:二一课件通
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冀教版英语八年级上册 Unit 8 Celebrating Me!? 【重点单词】? 1.unique /ju?ni?k/ adj.独特的? 2.suppose /s??p??z/ v.假定;认为? 3.ourselves /?a???selvz/ pron.我们自己? 4.person /?p??sn/ n.人? 5.talent /?t?l?nt/ n.天赋;才智? 6.personal /?p??s?nl/ adj.个人的? 7.strength /stre?θ/ n.力量;长处? 8.sense /sens/ n.意义;感觉? 9.Greece /ɡri?s/ 希腊(地名)? 10.nobody /?n??b?di/ pron.没有人? 11.return /r??t??n/ v.&n.返回;回应? 12.Greek /ɡri?k/ adj.希腊(人)的 n.希腊人? 13.junior /?d?u?ni?(r)/ adj.&n.初级(的);儿童(的)? 14.continue /k?n?t?nju?/ v.继续;延续? 15.average /??v?r?d?/ adj.一般的;平均的 n.平均;一般水平? 16.stupid /?stju?p?d/ adj.愚蠢的;傻的? 17.smart /smɑ?t/ adj.聪敏的? 18.impossible /?m?p?s?bl/ adj.不可能的? 19.weak /wi?k/ adj.弱的;无气力的? 20.mirror /?m?r?(r)/ n.镜子? 21.microphone /?ma?kr?f??n/ n.麦克风;话筒? 22.program /'pr??ɡr?m/ n.节目;程序;方案;计划? 23.confident /?k?nf?d?nt/ adj.自信的? 24.voice /v??s/ n.嗓音? 25.excellent /?eks?l?nt/ adj.优秀的;杰出的;好极了;棒极了? 26.stage /ste?d?/ n.舞台? 27.heart /hɑ?t/ n.心;心脏? 28.beat /bi?t/ v.&n.跳动;敲打(声)? 29.slowly /?sl??li/ adv.慢慢地? 30.herself /h???self; h??self/ pron.她自己? 31.loser /?lu?z?(r)/ n.输者,败者? 32.fail /fe?l/ n.&v.不及格;失败? 33.Mexico /'meks?k??/ 墨西哥(地名)? 34.misspelled /?m?s?speld/ 拼错的(misspell的过去分词)? 35.accept /?k?sept/ v.接受;承认? 36.award /??w??d/ n.奖状;奖品? 37.college /?k?l?d?/ n.学院;大学? 【重点短语】? 1.be supposed to 应该;被期望? 2.make sense 有道理;有意义? 3.return to 返回? 4.continue doing... 继续做……? 5.strong/weak points 优/缺点;强/弱项? 6.dream being... 梦想成为……? 7.believe in oneself 相信自己? 8.play against 同……比赛? 9.be proud of 以……自豪? 10.feel bad 为……感到难过;不舒服? 11.by oneself 单独;独自? 12.think about 考虑,思考? 13.because of 因为? 14.tell jokes 讲笑话? 15.give up 放弃? 16.make it 成功;达到预定目标? 【重点句型】? 1.What do you like about yourself? 你喜欢你自己什么呢?? 2.What makes you unique? 是什么让你与众不同?? 3.What are you good at? 你擅长什么?? 4.What are you proud of? 你以什么自豪?? 5.Thank you so much for your help. 非常感谢你的帮助。? 6.I get average grades in all of my subjects except English, but sometimes I make stupid mistakes. 除了英语,我所有的科目都达到了平均分,但是有时候我也会犯一些很愚蠢的错误。? 7.Nobody is perfect in this world. 在这个世界上没有人是完美的。? 8.We all have our strong points and weak points. 我们都有自己的优点和缺点。? 9.Don’t be too hard on yourself for making mistakes. 犯错误时不要对自己太苛刻。? 10.Be your own best friend and be yourself. 做你自己最好的朋友,做你自己。? 11.You are a special person and unique in your own way! 你是一个特别的人,有你自己独特的方式!? 12.Even when I was a little girl, I dreamed of being an opera singer. 当我还是个小女孩的时候,我就梦想成为一名歌剧演员。? 13.But I taught myself by listening to the radio and watching TV programs. 但我是通过听收音机和看电视节目自学的。? 14.Maybe I am not good enough to be a s ... ...

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