

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:46次 大小:3995497Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2021年新起点六年级上册口语题练习参考答案 1. Do you usually use pens or pencils? Yes, of course. I’m in grade four now. Our teacher asks us to use pens to do our homework. 2. When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil? It was March. I went shopping near my school. I bought a black pen, which cost me three yuan. I was happy. 3. How do you usually celebrate Children’s day? In the morning, I usually go to an amusement park. In the afternoon, I usually eat a cake. In the evening, I usually buy some balloons. I have a good time. 4. Which subject do you like best? I like art best because I like drawing pictures. I often draw pictures in the morning. My school also has an art class. 5. When did you start to learn English? I remember when I was five years old, I started to learn English. I learned English with teachers in the kindergarten. 6. What’s your favorite number? My favorite number is two. Actually, I don’t know why, I just like it. My password has the number two. 7. What do you usually do after dinner? I usually play chess with my dad after dinner. That’s really fun. Sometimes, I watch TV in the living room. I often have a good time after dinner. 8. What kinds of people do you like to make friends with? I like friendly people. They are very nice. They can help me when I’m in trouble. I also like the people who are outgoing. 9. How old were you when you started to use a computer? I was eight when I started to use a computer. We had computer class at school last year. We learned how to draw a picture by computer. It was an easy task. 10. What did you do yesterday? I did many things yesterday. In the morning, I went to a piano class. After class, I went to a restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon, I watched TV. In the evening, I played chess with my dad. 11. Do you like science class? Yes, I do. I like science class because I can do research. At school, we have science class twice a week. I can get a lot of knowledge on science class. 12. Do you like eating cakes? Yes, I do. I like eating cakes though cakes have a lot of sugar. I only eat a little. I also eat chocolate because it is better than eating cakes. 13. Is there any artwork on the wall in your room? No, there isn’t any artwork on the wall in my room. There is only a photo of my family in the living room. I know a sculpture is also one kind of artwork because it is very expensive. 14. How did you spend your birthday last year? I don’t remember how I spent my birthday last year. Let me think. Ah, I just remember I ate some fried chicken in the evening. After that, I went to the cinema with my parents. I had a good time. 15. Where did you go last summer vacation? I didn’t go to any places. I only stayed at home because COVID 19 was very dangerous. I had to stay at home and do some exercises in my community. My mom taught me how to ride a bike. 16. What’s your favorite movie? I watched a movie named “Ba Bai” last year. I like war movies bec ... ...

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