
Module 5 Unit 1 Do you want some rice ?

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:56次 大小:8065939Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件22张PPT。Module 5 Unit 1 Do you want some rice ?阳谷县狮子楼联校 苏培玉Student's Book 3starFood Music !someGuess ! Chinese Food making noodles ( make )It's nice . I want some noodles . Chinese fast food instant noodleschopsticksdifficultWestern fast food hot dogs (热狗)beefsteak(牛排)hamburger(汉堡)sandwiches(三明治)fish and chips (鱼和土豆条)forkknifeEast or west , home is the best . (金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。)Ⅰ: Listen and circle 1. Does Amy want some rice ? Yes No 2. Does she want some noodles ? Yes No Learn !You are right ! Ⅱ: Listen and answer What is the man doing ?He's making noodles .You are right !Learn ! Ⅲ: Listen and practice 1. Listen and repeat(重复) . 2. Work with your deskmate , act the text .And choose the best pair in class .(同桌分角色朗读练习,班里表演并选出最佳表演搭档。)Learn !I'm hungry !A: Do you want some ... ? B: Yes , please . / No , thank you . Play the game !milkmeatfishricenoodles规则游戏规则: 先想想当你饿了,最想吃哪一种食物。组长用 Do you want some...?来统计你们组需要的食 物。 当回答是Yes,please.时。在食物调查表 中填上该同学的名字并标记他想要的食物(可 以找组内同学帮你填表格哦!)并交给厨师(老 师)来换取食物。根据小组完成的快慢评出“最 佳表现小组”和“最贴心小组长”。(要彼此帮助 哦!)Who can invite more friends ? (谁能邀请到更多朋友)You can use : Do you want some...? (noodles , rice , apples , cakes , soup ,meat , bananas , pears , fish ,sweets ... ) Play the game !规则游戏规则: 先想想自己喜欢哪些食物,然后游戏开始。每 小组推选一名学生,用Do you want some ...? 问其他组学生,如果你猜对了他喜欢的食物, 他会回答:Yes , please .这就说明你邀请到了 一个朋友。继续邀请下一个……如果你得到的 回答是No ,thank you .那你的邀请到此结束。 比一比,看哪一组代表做的最棒!他就是我们 班最有人缘男生/女生。(不能说谎哦)Summary :The words : fast food some make chopsticks difficult The sentences: Do you want some noodles ? Yes , please . / No , thank you . Homework :1.Read the text for 10 minutes. 2.Cook a meal for your family . (为家人做一顿饭) You can use this sentence to find their favourite food : Do you want some ... ?Good good study, day day up ! Thank you !Goodbye !

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